


15 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ My CYC - The Teen Blog - player status.? · 0 replies · +1 points

Well if deep down you know you want to be with Nate, carry on what you're doing. No ones getting hurt, therefore you're not doing any harm.
Once you feel like you're ready to commit then act on your feelings for Nate.

Personally, I don't think what you're doing is bad - simply because you're young, single and just enjoying your life.
But if you were to start dating one of these guys then the flirting and what not would have to stop.

14 years ago @ My CYC - The Teen Blog - STORY GIG........ · 0 replies · +1 points

Have to agree there.

14 years ago @ My CYC - The Teen Blog - STORY GIG........ · 0 replies · +1 points

I look forward to reading it. (:

14 years ago @ My CYC - The Teen Blog - a total mess:/ · 1 reply · +1 points

If it makes you feel any better I got grounded yesterday too..
That's what Mums are for. (:

14 years ago @ My CYC - The Teen Blog - All In The Past. · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you, Forgottenhope.
It's nice to know that I'm not the only one. (:

14 years ago @ My CYC - The Teen Blog - Real. · 2 replies · +1 points

That's exactly the same reason I started here at My CYC too, and I've never been able to leave.
You'll be surprised about the amount of people that will read your posts and actually take time out of their day to comment and try to help, I know it shocked me.
It really is a great stress relief.

14 years ago @ My CYC - The Teen Blog - Memories. · 1 reply · +1 points

Thank you, Bree03.

I know, the holiday was shocking, tbh. That doesn't happen very often, lol.

Thanks again, it's always good to know you've got someone to talk to. (:

15 years ago @ My CYC - The Teen Blog - my best friend has cha... · 0 replies · +1 points

Agreed. Losing a best friend is very hard, and you can't stop liking them over night, it takes time.

What I would do is talk to her, if you have already then think of this as your last warning.
Tell her everything you've said, don't be scared to tell her it annoys you because she needs to know.
Tell her you miss the way she used to be and wish she'd die it down a bit.
If she doesn't make an effort to change or talk about it then I'd just leave her and move on, if one day she grows up and comes back - great.
If this is a perminant change then I'm sure you'll find another best friend, someone that won't change.

Good luck. (:

15 years ago @ My CYC - The Teen Blog - Am I alone? · 0 replies · +1 points

Well if I was you I'd make an effort to talk to this guy and get to know him.
Soon enough you will be able to tell if he's interested in you or not, and then you won't be so confused.
If the friendship part goes well and it looks like he likes you too, go for it and tell him how you feel!

15 years ago @ My CYC - The Teen Blog - help..... · 0 replies · +1 points

If your basically dating already, all that will change is instead of calling him a 'friend', he will be your boyfriend.

Reading the first sentence of your blog made me read on and want to comment, you just reminded me of how I used to be before I met my current boyfriend.
I always held back a little just to make sure I'd never get hurt, play it on the safe side so I could get over them in just a few days if things went wrong.
Then I realised that by doing this, I was never truely happy - and that bothered me.
So with this relationship, I'm all in. I've given up on being scared. I'm falling hard and to my amazment, I'm loving it.

If you get hurt, at least you had a go. If you don't date this guy then you'll always be wondering "what if?".
I have a feeling he will make you very happy.