


145 comments posted · 5 followers · following 2

16 years ago @ One Bronco Nation Unde... - An open letter to OBNU... · 3 replies · +4 points

Well, finally got around to making a comment without choking up. Kevan and Obnug was definitely the cream of the crop of football blogs. It was the Colbert Report of Boise State Football. Nothing can ever replace that wit and fun that this site was able to gift all readers. It was even evident from visitors from other football teams who would comment about how good the blog post was or the bet post was. It made this year of football the funnest of my life. Thank you, OBNUG!
Intern, Augusto said he could use an intern, but only if you're willing to dress up like "Z" and go to parties and media events. If you have a slightly deep, not-so-munchkin sounding voice, he would like to use that too for voice over of his reports. He said it would be easy since he doesn't report breaking news until it becomes obvious, giving time for voice dubbing.

16 years ago @ One Bronco Nation Unde... - BSU football fans warm... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hey, that's only 28,000 less than at the last football game.

16 years ago @ One Bronco Nation Unde... - Breaking rumor: WR Jer... · 0 replies · +1 points

That would be a sad loss. I hope Titus Young stops asking people to buy him beer so we can have him at least.

16 years ago @ One Bronco Nation Unde... - "Nick's official picks... · 0 replies · +1 points

Darn that Tebow! Why did he have to keep his promise? Now I don't get a new magazine! Great job, Nick. At least it was an Obnug person who beat me!

16 years ago @ One Bronco Nation Unde... - East Coast bias takes ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah, second fiddle bowls is the clear answer to the reason for media bias. It appears that he is grasping at straws.

16 years ago @ One Bronco Nation Unde... - WAC recruiting going a... · 2 replies · +2 points

Is TCU just because they are in Texas? I don't understand BYU's recruiting either. Both are really good programs, but why such good recruiting?

16 years ago @ One Bronco Nation Unde... - Morning paper: Boise S... · 0 replies · +1 points

What a gloomy newsday! I thought I would never have to see Brent Guy again, and now he moves to MY TOWN?! This hire will sure ease the pain Louisville's coach, endearingly refered to around here as, "Coach Krapthorpe."
Then Holt moves close to the state of Idaho, the land where he coined the infamous, "Holt Bolt."
And finally, Boise State and Redneck are used in the same sentence. I ain't dun nevur herd uf da Boizee Stayt Cowboys.
They lost their bowl game, isn't that enough? Why kick a guy when he's down? Where's my moonshine?

16 years ago @ One Bronco Nation Unde... - Great Expectations: Wh... · 0 replies · +1 points

I could see them losing to Oregon, but not Toledo. Tulsa is a maybe, too. They could be 11-2 going into the bowl game, but 12-1 is more probable, and 13-0 is more likely. Is it August yet?

16 years ago @ One Bronco Nation Unde... - Bronco Nation's offsea... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'll send good blue and orange vibes from Louisville.

16 years ago @ One Bronco Nation Unde... - Maryland vs. BSU in th... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree, it would have been more fun, but only if it was a game played on a Friday night in September.