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16 years ago @ - New challenges, new op... · 0 replies · +2 points

I support gay rights and I am a Christian so do not say that we are the enemy of your community because we are not all bad. Not all Christians voted for Prop 8. Not all Christians support Rick Warren and Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. Not all Christians wave signs that say "God Hates F***!" Those lunatic Christians don't represent us all.

16 years ago @ - New challenges, new op... · 1 reply · +1 points

2009 has the possibility to be a great new beginning for the world. We have the power to change the way the world thinks and works. With President Obama, all of that is a little more possible. We hold in our hands the distinct opportunity to save our nation from complete ruin. We must dedicate ourselves anew to the challenges we face ahead. This next year for many will be hard, but that must not silence our resolve to always push on and to always try harder. We must allow ourselves to be open to optimism and narrow minded to pessimism. Our nation must heal, for the sake of peace and democracy throughout the world. We must guarantee all rights to gays and lesbians. We must guarantee the safe and imminent return of our troops from war zones we don't need to be in. We must improve our health care system and we must provide our young people the opportunity to go to the best colleges in the world. We must make sure that those colleges are in America. We have to prepare those kids by giving their teachers more funding and better accountability. This we must do in 2009.

16 years ago @ - New challenges, new op... · 0 replies · -1 points

2009 has the possibility to be a great new beginning for the world. We have the power to change the way the world thinks and works. With President Obama, all of that is a little more possible. We hold in our hands the distinct opportunity to save our nation from complete ruin. We must dedicate ourselves anew to the challenges we face ahead. This next year for many will be hard, but that must not silence our resolve to always push on and to always try harder. We must allow ourselves to be open to optimism and narrow minded ti pessimism. Our nation must heal, for the sake of peace and democracy throughout the world. We must guarantee all rights to gays and lesbians. We must guarantee the safe and imminent return of our troops from war zones we don't need to be in. We must improve our health care system and we must provide our young people the opportunity to go to the best colleges in the world. We must make sure that those colleges are in America. We have to prepare those kids by giving their teachers more funding and better accountability. This we must do in 2009.

16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 0 replies · +2 points

You're not going to go to hell if you're gay. What I've heard from a lot of people is that even if you devote your life to God, if you give money and volunteer hours to charities in your community, you're going straight to hell if you're gay and that is simply not true.

16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 2 replies · +2 points

So let me get this straight. Gay people can't get married because they are the minority? Wow. You should seriously learn to be more honest in your approach and non-partisan in your acceptance of different lifestyles,because the only thing gay people want is every right we have.

16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 0 replies · +4 points

Who cares if a guy does another guy or if a girl does another girl? Why should us straight people have the authoirty, jurisdiction, and moral grounding to determine how many rights we give gay people??

16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 1 reply · +2 points

This country is a religious nation, but why is it so hard to believe that religious people are able to support gay rights? I support gay rights and I believe in God. The problem is that enough religious people don't support equality that it kid of taints religion's reputation for alot of gay people.

16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 2 replies · +3 points

So you're going to tell your kid that if he's gay, he should just keep it secret and be ashamed of it? You're going to tell the soldier that risked her life in war that she should hide her gayness because it's an embarassment to how she was raised. You're willing to compromise your greatest friendships if your friend turns out to be gay?

16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 0 replies · +2 points

Exactly. Of course, I'm considered blasphemous as a straight guy for supporting gay marriage and gay rights. The Republican Party and alot of my congregation has ostresized me for my support of equality. However, someone has to support it, right? Someone has to care about equality, right? It may take time, decades even, for gays to be accepted as equal members of society again, but believe me, fairness never stops and people never stop working for it.

16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 0 replies · +1 points

Nothing stops the progression of equality. People may rage against it, but equality always prevails. They may pass laws against it, may kill to stop it, and may terrorize to prohibit it, but the steady progression of equality will never be stopped.