


205 comments posted · 7 followers · following 0

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Video: Trump Advisor A... · 1 reply · +4 points

Hey Scott, Sucks about BR, there's tons of stories, been over at Gateway Pundit and Treehouse but we had so much better discussions here. If BR doesn't have time, there's lots that would help out, it's just that too many comments make the page freeze up, it takes forever to load it.

Encouraged about what you're saying about the future and Bob telling about Sheriff Arpaio in September. I got BR on my bookmarks so will keep checking, this is not the time for our team to be off the field, cmon BR!

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Video: Michelle Obama ... · 2 replies · +38 points

Wanted to slap that stupid grin off Moochelle's face, what a bitch. Huge meeting of losers and faggots, they should all go to hell and jail. Go Trump!

Agree with Kittycat, are you OK BR? Anything we can do to help? This site is so important, it's the only place we can depend on for HONEST and SERIOUS discussions. Awesome having BR back, let's go take those losers down hard!!

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Listen Live: Sheriff A... · 1 reply · +4 points

BR's going to the convention? That would be awesome. Was thinking the same kittycat, there's a lot of news right now, try going over to Post and Email for now, BR posts them here after sometimes.

Just saw Lyin Ted is havin a secret meeting in Clevland on Monday, that illegal won't give up!

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Listen Live: Sheriff A... · 9 replies · +28 points

I wanna knock the smug s*hit eating grins off those faggots and wimps, now that Mr. Trump is going to win we're gonna get the last laugh with those Obots and other mosquitos.

Hope this is a sign that things are starting to move, maybe Sheriff Arpaio and Mr. Trump made a plan for after the election. Good for Lt. Zullo doing this interview. We need to help get the word out when BR posts it.

Illegals should all be rounded up and thrown out immediately, along with the illegal resident. I don't want them defending us. They need to get the Fu*k out of our country. Go USA, Happy 4th to Americans!

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Zullo Talks: Sheriff A... · 0 replies · +29 points

Excellent article, Linda Jordan's done some great writing and Sharon always delivers. Has Lt. Zullo shared this bombshell info with Mr. Trump? He should be talking about this on the campan trail, I sent Mr. Trump a tweet with a link to this story at BR, everybody should.

These illegals should all be rounded up and thrown out immediately, along with the illegal resident. I don't want them defending us. They need to get the Fu*k out of our country.

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Full Audio: Sheriff Jo... · 5 replies · +27 points

Sheriff Arpaio and Donald Trump have the same birthday, never knew that.

Arpaio has been a great supporter and friend to Mr. Trump and there's no doubt they have a plan for dealing with the FRAUD after President Trump is inaugerated. Arpaio has the evidence and President Trump is going to run the DOJ and FBI the way it should be run! Maybe Arpaio will be running one of those.

Enjoy these last few months, traitors and Obots. You can run but you can't hide.

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Video: CNN Highlights ... · 0 replies · +21 points

That faggot Don Lemon is a total moron and so is CNN. They make Donald J. Trump stronger and when he's President Trump he's going to wash that filth and slime down the drain. Enjoy your last few months, losers! We're right and the truth will always win.

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Unearthed: Did Obama A... · 0 replies · +16 points

Great work Sharon and the Post and Email, this proves this Communist usurper knew he was not NBC! President Trump should get the P&E printed out by his staff and delivered every morning.

"‘will send a wonderful message to young people of color and to immigrants around the country’ if successful.” Screw you fake, get our of our country and take the rest of them with you.

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Video: Attorney Orly T... · 1 reply · +14 points

We've been on this WAY before them. I bet they all read Birther Report because it has the most sources and links to evidence. Where do you think they got it from?

I still say BR had a big role and America is better for it.

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Video: Attorney Orly T... · 3 replies · +20 points

Thank God for Birther Report, we deserve a lot of credit for taking down Ineligible Canadian Lyin' Ted Cruz!!

Good presentation by Orly but where was she when we were fighting the illegal Canadian? Orly used to go to the challenges and file lawsuits, now she mostly just sits there. She hardly mentioned eligibility in Texas lawsuit until the end when she lost. But she still keeps begging for donations. This looks like a PR move for her. Talk is cheap. When is she going to get some action?

Best place online for honest, researched evidence of the biggest fraud of our lifetimes. Thanks BR!