


12 comments posted · 24 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Operation Rescue/Opera... - Press Release: Operati... · 0 replies · -1 points

In females, the ovaries are identifiable by 7 weeks
By 8 weeks, 75% of embryos exhibit right-hand dominance
9 week fetus can also grasp an object & what else
what a 9-Week Fetus looks like via MRI see ribs, lungs
what a 9-Week Fetus looks like via MRI

44 sec Movie Theater EHD Morph

13 years ago @ Operation Rescue/Opera... - Press Release: Operati... · 1 reply · +1 points

Just because something is legal doesnt make it right! Abortion KILLS an innocent human being evrytimeNOT a cat , dog or any species!!!! over 3,000 unborn children are KILLED in the USA EVERY DAY! movie clips & images of the unborn from the science documentary which I think is the best window into the womb dvd~ Biology of Prenatal Development And is distributed by National Geographic

Biologically speaking, “human development begins at fertilization,”
Human embryo 4Weeks 4Days old~heartbeat in action
Between 4 and 5 weeks, the brain continues its rapid growth and divides into 5 distinct sections….
5 weeks Liver & Heart permanent kidneys appear by 5 weeks
6 weeks the rapidly growing brain
6 weeks Primitive brainwaves

13 years ago @ Live Action Blog - Hum... - Conception 101 · 0 replies · +8 points

Thanks! Im glad I was NOT killed through abortion even though I was mentally, physically abused as a child! I also grew up really poor NONE of those reasons are excuse to rip, poison or crush a innocent unborn child! God Bless Margie

13 years ago @ KVAL - Eugene, OR - Federal funding cuts c... · 0 replies · +1 points

The Catholic Church is prolife and it has quite a few charities that help the poor across the world!
Catholic Charities, Catholic Relief Services, St Vincent De Paul Society So saying that prolifers only care about white babies and the unborn babies is NOT TRUE! If we didnt care about black babies why is prolifers upset that black unborn babies around 50% are aborted. That is a tragedy! Every abortion is a wrong NO MATTER THE RACE! I was so poor when I was pregnant with my first child was even pressured to abort her by a family planning clinic worker even after I refused. Guess what I didnt abort her, shes 16 now, not poor anymore. Being poor can be temporary situation! Millions of Americans are out of work and cant afford their born children should they kill their born children? Heck no they shouldnt, so why should they kill their unborn children?

13 years ago @ KVAL - Eugene, OR - Federal funding cuts c... · 0 replies · 0 points

its NOT their bodies being ripped apart, poisioned, or crushed it is their own child. Not just a blob of cells! This movie clip ~ Beating Heart in Slow Motion: 4 1/2 Weeks Pregnant comes from the BEST window into the womb DVD~ The Biology of Prenatal Development

13 years ago @ KVAL - Eugene, OR - Federal funding cuts c... · 0 replies · +1 points

The supposed positives that PP provides ie bc, papsmears, breast exams etc. can be provided at County Health Department. The loss of many more to cancers is ridiculous because hormonal contraceptives increases cancer in females~
Dr. Lynn Kerr, an associate clinical professor from the University of California at San Francisco, explains the deadly side-effects of the birth control pill.
From the Breast Cancer: Risks and Prevention
Fourth Edition
Chapter 11:
Hormonal Birth Control and Hormone Replacement Therapy & Breast Cancer Risk
If it's not OK for him to take steroids...why is it OK for her?
Planned Parenthood covers for child sexual predators and should NOT GIVE ONE CENT TO PP!
Another thing PPs is a affiliate to IPPF, IPPF in China help with China's 1 child policy that means PP helps force females to abort their unborn children. 13 million abortions a year MOSTLY girls!

13 years ago @ - America At Risk: The W... · 1 reply · +5 points

8 children died on 9/11, the jihadists had to have known those children were on board those planes. They wont hesitate to kill us and our children.
Who are you Remembering from the 9/11 attack, for me its the children~
Flight 175(hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center)
David Brandhorst 3yrs old, Christine Hanson, 3yrs old, Juliana Valentine McCourt 4yrs old
Never Forget!
Flight 77(hit the Pentagon)~ Bernard Brown, 11 yrs old, Asia Cottom, 11yrs old, Rodney Dickens, 11yrs old, Zoe Falkenberg 8yrs old, Dana Falkenberg, 3yrs old

14 years ago @ Big Journalism - Patriotic Immigration ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah I read about that. I only learned about him and his book a few months ago. I read a review of his book, being Catholic I thought it would be interesting to read his view. He brings up alot of good points which I agree with. Sad about the loss of Father Pat & Terry Anderson!

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Death of the Movie Sta... · 0 replies · +2 points

You are so right about the public schools today
Salvo History of Sex Ed Laws
Sex Abused Kinsey’s Lies Shaped American Law, So Now what?
Rotten Apple Award~ Sex Ed Based on Lies is Child Abuse
From Kinsey to SEICUS Pernicious Guidelines
Upsurge in STDs
Course Correction

Protect your kids from Comprehensive Sex Ed Programs & SBCs ~ Facts of Life: Ch 17: Sex Ed & School-Based Clinics: What Parents Can Do About Comprehensive Sex Ed Programs & SBCs

14 years ago @ Big Government - Life Sucks in Black Ur... · 2 replies · +2 points

I support the Teaparty, if Alan Keyes was the Republican nominee I would have voted for him but he isnt a Republican. I voted for McCain because he was better than what we got. Why arent all these black leaders going to the black communities to clean them up & help their black brothers and sisters?