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12 years ago @ KVAL - Eugene, OR - Ashland mayor: \'We ha... · 1 reply · +6 points

Wasn't it just a couple of years ago when Ashland was complaining about the cougar population?
As I recall, they killed a couple. So.........does anyone else see the contradiction in this?

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - NOAA gives 50-50 shot ... · 0 replies · +8 points

Well.....regardless of the 50/50 interpretation........I thought the article was well written and informative.
I can't imagine that I ever would have googled all of the details that Scott put into this explanation.
I'm much better informed about both El Nino and La Nina, and the cause and effect of both.
Thanks, Scott.

Jim Nordblom

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Students want to know ... · 0 replies · -1 points

In answer to your questions..........Yes. Truly sucks, huh?
What is the solution to the problem that we have all watched in it's development for so many years.
Our school systems have become polluted. By what? Lord help me, I don't know, but I know when an apple smells rotten, and this one is.

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Apple, Prineville, Cro... · 0 replies · +1 points

Lucky devils. You get the high tech industries. We get the coal.

Mapleton.............(Google it)

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Photo of gas theft fro... · 0 replies · 0 points

No sense of humor, these cops. Personally.....I love stupid criminal jokes.
Of course.......he was stealing........and that is not a joke.
Funny they didn't bust him for the middle finger part. That seems to be taken so seriously, now days.

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - EPA wants full review ... · 1 reply · 0 points

I have always been interested in both steam and Stirling cycle engines.
Seems that if you re designed and re built some with modern metals and designs
and coupled that with new heat sources (nuclear?) that you could produce some pretty significant energy. Alas.....my field was computers........but maybe some modern engineer might........
I'm off to bed, old friend.
See you again, soon, I hope.

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - EPA wants full review ... · 3 replies · 0 points

Good evening to you as well, ramona.......nice to see you again.

I hadn't considered the heating value, but I suppose "modern" stoves might burn without too much pollution.
If I have to breath coal smoke, I would prefer it to be issuing from a steam locomotive.
Boy would I like to see one of those Big Boys again. Heck.......I'd settle for a Pacific, even.
Yeah.........trains are cool.
From what I have seen on a few walks, and driving by the tracks and the bridge at Cushman.......they are going to have to make some serious upgrade to the track.
When I first read about the project a few weeks ago, I was flabbergasted, frankly.
But.....I suppose if they pour some real money into the project, we may have a huge number of very long trains passing through. I wonder if they are going to put on special engines.......a Dash 9 would be a hoot.
Well.....speculating (and rambling, I fear).
My best to you old friend,

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - EPA wants full review ... · 5 replies · +1 points

I have a personal interest in this because if and when they permit shipping to Coos Bay, several mile long trains per day will pass through Mapleton. Personally.......I like trains, and as a life long rock collector, I hope to find some nice specimens along the tracks.
But.......I suspect that my neighbors are not going to be happy, and I also suspect that it won't do much for property values along Hwy 36.
Just to share a thought.

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - ESPN article highlight... · 0 replies · +2 points

"A law that is unjust is not a law"..........St. Augustine of Hippo.
In my opinion, no nation or government on this planet has the right to tell people that they cannot grow and personally use any plant........repeat ANY plant.
I will never subject myself to such an invasion of my personal rights.
And......I'm willing to stand up to any judge and say so.........regardless of consequences.

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - ESPN article highlight... · 0 replies · 0 points

That is the best argument that I have seen on this subject, seriously.
I would like to see your comment in a larger, national or world wide forum.

My very sincere respects,
Jim Nordblom