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6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 0 replies · +3 points

Thank you Luis. Here is my email. If you or anyone here wishes sign up, please let me know and I’ll contact you when sign-up issues are resolved. By the way, I did just approve a new member.

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 7 replies · +3 points

I didn’t start the snark, Roger. Here is my email. If anyone here wishes sign up, please let me know and I’ll contact you when sign-up issues are resolved. I hesitate to attribute it to operator error, but I did just approve a new member.

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 1 reply · +3 points

Cute...definitely not Suzie. She’s a spazzy nut case drama queen.

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 10 replies · +3 points

Hello HiPlainsDrifter,
Why would I take advice from you? Just askin’ ya know? I don’t know how long you’ve been around, how often you’ve changed your handle, and don’t care. I’ve had the same handle for nearly a decade, and have fun checking me out too...since you spelled my name wrong. In any case, good luck.

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 12 replies · +3 points

Cassandra, you are most welcome to join!

Allow me to explain why I specifically addressed Luis. As I said, there is a history of sorts, and over the years, I’ve looked at many sites, and Luis participated in some of them. A while back, he made a comment on another site, expressing concern and displeasure with the site owner using Google Analytics cookies for tracking website visitors,, as it was openly posted. I don’t think it’s posted anywhere public now, but I’m pretty certain the site continues to collect cookies for the owner’s tracking purposes, as she’s been doing it for years...along with collecting donations from her members.

While virtually every platform collects or leaves cookies, the difference is that some site owners use that info for their own gains, and others, like ours (and probable yours) just administer their sites and interact with members. Regarding that Google Analytics site, read the posted by my friend and co-owner

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 1 reply · +3 points

Corrected comment:
Hi Roger. We are NOT ‘from the growl’ but a few of the folks from there are members of our site. . Our site isn’t new, we created it 2/12/2012. (;

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 0 replies · +3 points

Hi Cassandra! Thank you! I think most sites are experiencing a downturn in activity. Yours seems more active than many! Ours has a history of interaction with some other players that was not necessarily pleasant, hence the no drama commitment we have. I do miss the ease of Intense Debate, so perhaps I will pop in periodicallly again!

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 4 replies · +3 points

Hi Luis. I’ve seen your comments here and there over the years, and as a like minded patriot, I am inviting you to join our little website. Our group is small, and drama free, and we would welcome your thoughts on the political issues of the day. Take a look, and consider us! Thanks in advance!

11 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Barack Obama’s presi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Just some opinion here...
Black families have disintegrated over the last 50 yrs.. the left is to blame
Blacks have been snookered by democrats ... Republicans have been the party of genuine equality all along.
Blacks need a wake up call, and this is a start...
God bless, fellow Patriots!

11 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Open Thread - NFL 2012... · 0 replies · +2 points

Ummm ~ not football comment, but a Sunday fav for an open thread!