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13 years ago @ Free We The People - Speaker Boehner’s Yo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Is it possible that all politicians are statists? Statists know that high debt will control We The People. We need politicians who will reduce the size, cost, and power of the federal government. Don't Tread On Me!

13 years ago @ Free We The People - Collective Bargaining ... · 0 replies · +1 points

State governments must play this battle with the public sector unions just right. If the states say they plan to take everything away from the public sector union goons, then they will be able to selectively take everything off the table and give the unions a win. They only thing republican state governments must not take of the table is the automatic paycheck deduction for union dues.
No state government should be enabling union thugs to extort union dues via automatic paycheck deductions that go directly into union coffers. Public sector union members don't ever see the money that is turned over to the union leadership, so they don't miss it, but if you ask them to voluntarily pay the union dues without the automatic deduction they won’t pay. That’s what the unions fear more than anything else. Union members understand that unions don't represent the interests of most of the rank and file. Union members are powerless to direct how their dues are used.
If we are to reduce union influence on our election and our political lives, remove the automatic deduction that goes directly to union thugs.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Friday-Free-for-All: L... · 1 reply · -2 points

The slave owning democrats in the south started the war. Abe was preserving the union. Read the Federalist Papers.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Friday-Free-for-All: L... · 0 replies · -1 points

Abe was a Republican. The slave owners were democrats. The confederacy had a flag. Why is it that so many people who say they are Republicans and live in the south praise the flag that once belonged to the democrats during the civil war? Just a thought. freewethepeople. com

13 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Geithner warns US lawm... · 0 replies · +3 points

Let China become the world leader. America will always be an important trading partner to every country in the world. We will always get what we need from somebody. We just have to start exploiting our own resources, so the prices for the things we still manufacture here in the USA will go down. We will always have the strongest most modern military in the world. This tax cheat is a marxist liar who hopes to rule along side his marxist statist buddies for years to come. like president B. Hussain O., never believe anything he says. When these people speak, think the opposite because that is what they mean.

Remember, their aim is to bring about the dire circumstances they warn us about. They think they will be immune to what will come if they succeed.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Class Warfare: PBS' Ri... · 0 replies · 0 points

Now, lets see if they will survive in the free market. They are so smart and clever after all. I'm sure they will be able to figure this one out. Sell advertising. NPR and PBS announce their corporated sponsors all the time already anyway. Besides, they say that our tax dollars is only a small portion of their operating budget. Maybe they can replace some to the socialist staff. There has to some savings there.

Taking them off the government tit will require NPR and PBS to sell their marxist crap in the same open marketplace where freedom loving Americans make purchases.

Taking bets: $10 says they don't last more than two years after this bill defunding them is signed into law.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Not the Same · 0 replies · +2 points

Tese types of comparisons could go on forever. Please find more pics that show who and what we have living in the White House these days. Pictures speak 1,000 words. Here are some more that describe this man: Wuss, marxist, usurper, thief, liar, drug dealer, opportunist, and so many more….

13 years ago @ Big Government - Confession: We Staged ... · 0 replies · +1 points

"It's only funny until someone gets hurt." Very entertaining, I can't wait to read the book!

Mark my words, libtards will say, "They are only making fun of this because they are trying to deflect from the truth. You know Andrew Britbart had something to do with this." freewethepeople. com

13 years ago @ Free We The People - The Age of Lies and Co... · 0 replies · +2 points

Compromise is impossible when the choices are diametrically opposed. Either we fight for freedom or we surrender to socialism. For so many libtards in this country those two ideas are the same. They argue that freedom comes from the state assuming all responsibility and removing the possibility that you may fail.


This stupid philosophy has been disproved time and time again. These statists in DC really think that they are the chosen ones who will make what other nations throughout history have not been able to accomplish.

They lie with impunity, the steno pad reporters repeat what they are told to say and believe and they all think that We The People will fall for it again. They sure were not counting on Al Gore coming along and inventing the internet as information is not their friend. We know what is going on, we will call them out every time, and we are not afraid of the marxist plague in DC.

We are aware of the crap they are trying to pull and we know about it in an instant. They can lie, but they will not hide from Twitter, Drudge, Hot Air, and Freewethepeople.com! (GBA) God Bless America!

13 years ago @ Free We The People - We The Tots · 0 replies · +1 points

I love this page!! My daughter is going to have such fun exploring what is here. Great videos. thanks