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6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Howard Flight: Lawson ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Exactly. Why do the conservatives support taxes on wealth creation? Blue socialism.

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Howard Flight: Lawson ... · 0 replies · +1 points

What case? You've only managed to contradict yourself.

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Howard Flight: Lawson ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I don't support the government or the opposition. I made a comment on the article.

So you don't think scrapping VAT, NICS, SDLT, IHT, CGT, Business Rates, Corp Tax and replacing with a flat 20% tax on all income and a flat LVT would be good for wealth creation?

Why should taxes be based on ability to pay? The prices we pay for goods and services aren't. You must be a commie.

When you exclude someone from a valuable natural resource, they suffer an opportunity loss. Exactly the same as not paying someone wages for the work the do, or not paying for goods and services you receive.

So, no. Landowners are not currently paying what they owe. If they were, the selling price of land would be zero.

Private property is that which human create from their own efforts. Its communists like you who wish to deny them their rights by imposing taxes on incomes, capital and transactions.

Natural resources are supplied for free by nature/god, thus cannot morally be the property of individuals, firms, the community or the state.

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Howard Flight: Lawson ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Would actually make homeownership easier by increasing disposable incomes for working households and reducing selling prices. Social housing would be unnecessary, and the private rental sector reduced.

Also not a re-distribution of "wealth". Only everyone paying what they owe, as set by the market.

As I said, most homeowners would be far better off, so why would they oppose it unless they are stupid?

Socialism is the belief that the state has a property right over that which it hasn't produced ie taxation of peoples incomes, capital and transactions.

I'm guessing you think income taxes, vat, nics etc are but a necessary evil. That makes you a socialist.

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Howard Flight: Lawson ... · 0 replies · +1 points

All your questions answered here. http://kaalvtn.blogspot.co.uk/p/index.html

How can it be envy to reduce and completely flatten taxes on income? And scrap taxes like IHT, CGT, SDLT etc, etc

Aren't the Tories supposed to be the party that rewards wealth creation? Obvs not.

Unless we all pay what we owe, including pensioners, we bake in excessive inequalities and resource misallocation.

That leaves the door open to socialism, of all shades, in order to mitigate the ill effects. Including growth shrinking taxes and an over weening state apparatus.

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Howard Flight: Lawson ... · 3 replies · +1 points

A typical working household in an average priced home would be >£10K a year better off from a tax shift to LVT. That's just a fact. You can verify it for yourself by downloading the YPP tax app at google play.

Why would they not do what's in their own best financial interests, unless they've been brainwashed into becoming the willing idiots of bankers, landlords and wealthy foreign property owners?

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Howard Flight: Lawson ... · 7 replies · +1 points

A 100% tax on the rental value of land would level the playing field for all participants in the market, allowing £250bn of bad taxes to be scrapped like SDLT, CGT, IHT, Business Rates etc, etc.

Not only would this rebate back in full to typical working households that part of housing expenditure that currently makes housing unaffordable, but would also allow the market to optimally allocate existing and future housing and development.


6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Which taxes should Tor... · 0 replies · +1 points

Like wages or the payment for goods/services, the LVT is compensation paid to others for the opportunity losses they suffer. In the case of LVT, for being excluded from scarce natural resources, especially valuable locations.

That LVT is collected and spent/redistributed by the state on our behalf is a separate issue. Because when such compensatory payments are not made, we bake in excessive inequalities and misallocate resources in our economy.

Thus when we all pay and get paid what we are owed, we get a fair and optimally efficient distribution of the factors of production, leading to a true meritocracy and prosperity for all.

For too long, the well being of the UK has been held hostage by the threat of Poor Widows in Mansions, the human shield of bankers, landlords and the idle rich.

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Oliver Cooper: The cla... · 0 replies · +1 points

Every region in the UK has more dwellings per capita than ever. The housing crisis is not caused by problems on the supply side. It is caused because freeholders are not required to compensate those they exclude from valuable locations via the tax system. If they did, house prices would be an average of two thirds less than they are now and the disposable incomes of typical working households many thousands of pounds higher. Meaning housing would be optimally affordable for such a typical household.

Naturally, those that seek to maintain an unjust system in order to keep their snouts in the trough prefer to blame planning, immigration or whatever such nonsense.

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Margot James: We need ... · 0 replies · +1 points

The prices we pay for goods and services aren't set the levels of our incomes, the amount of capital we own, or the number of transactions we carry out. It they were, it would be socialism gone mad and highly damaging for out economy. Taxes are no different.

Would it not be fair and economically efficient to tax the wealth creating potential of land(location) that we choose to exclude others from instead of the wealth we create and consume from it?

Anyone who espouses wealth creation, a meritocratic society and a flat simple tax system should love the LVT. But Tories hate it more than anyone else, which is pretty telling.