


96 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ UlpanGordon.com - A Real Review of Hebre... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yikes. O.k. Tod. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. I'm sorry it was a bad one.

14 years ago @ UlpanGordon.com - A Real Review of Hebre... · 2 replies · +1 points


They make it very clear that the first 2 classes are a test run. IF you don't cancel after those 2 classes, you'll be charged. The contract clearly states this. The website clearly states this. You're being completely irrational in your assessment of Hebrew Online.

15 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - 'X-File' Vet May Be Li... · 1 reply · +2 points

Joint Base Balad is in Iraq, not Afghanistan. You should correct the article.

15 years ago @ Patriot Missive - Party Like it's 1979 · 0 replies · +1 points

Actually, it's Michael J. Totten that's the coolest. Some of his posts are syndicated here for time being. But I'm still cool, dammit! ;)

15 years ago @ Patriot Missive - Live Blogging: Obama'... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hey girly!! It's been WAY too long.

You definitely shouldn't take me too seriously. I talk out of my ass most of the time. :) Half my posts are for entertainment value only.

As for the Obama speech, I think his ultimate goal was to demonstrate to the Arab world that Americans accept Islam as a part of our culture because, as you wrote, we are the "land of the free". His ultimate message wasn't to convince Americans, but to convince Arabs. I think there's a huge disdain and distrust of Americans in the Arab world but Obama wanted to prove that we're more than just Americans.... we're Arabs and Jews and Christians and Buddists, etc..... blah-de-blah.

I really loved his speech as a whole. He was very honest about the strengths AND weaknesses of the Arab nations.

As for me not liking the Muslim world? What I don't like is inequality and ignorance. Let's be honest here.... Arab nations aren't exactly perfect in regards to equality between men and women (not to mention adults and children). This isn't just me guessing either. I know first hand with my own eyes and also from friends living in Arab countries.

I'm also disgusted by the attitude many people in Arab nations have towards Jews. It's embarrassing and ignorant and Obama was right to speak openly about it.

I respect Islamic religion but social standards are a bit too much for me to swallow.

On a lighter note, it's great to see you starting to blog again! I've had you in my Feedreader forever so I'm definitely looking forward to more!

15 years ago @ Patriot Missive - Right wing claims the ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Is that in some way related to how conservatives are twisting the truth in regards to military support of our Commander in Chief?

15 years ago @ UlpanGordon.com - Ulpan Gordon Kita Alep... · 0 replies · +1 points

UPDATE: New blog post concerning finding housing in Israel:


15 years ago @ UlpanGordon.com - Ulpan Gordon Kita Alep... · 0 replies · +1 points

The classes at Gordon slow down greatly during the summer as most teachers have a summer break in July & August. It's not a problem to only study for 1 month but I'm not sure if they will have a new class start when you are in Tel Aviv because of the summer break.

I suggest contacting the main office at Ulpan Gordon directly for more information. Perhaps they have an evening class (studying 2 nights a week) that might be beneficial to you.

Ulpan Gordon
Telephone: 03-5223095
Telephone: 03-5223181
email: hadas.goren@012.net.il

15 years ago @ Patriot Missive - The Iraq burn pit plot... · 0 replies · +1 points

First of all, please be sure to report any medical concerns you have to your local VA clinic or chain of command. It's best to get it documented as soon as possible in case you need to take any future action.

Secondly, statistics show without a doubt that indirect fire attacks on the Balad airbase have dropped off compared to previous years. I'm not saying that they don't exist but they're certainly less prominent than previous years.

Thirdly, thank you for your service and welcome home.

15 years ago @ Patriot Missive - No longer Abu Ghraib. ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think the American penal system is also influencing the Iraqi's. I wonder where the Iraqi's got the idea of installing a "sewing room" to help alleviate the costs of running the prison. Sounds like good ol' fashioned American capitalistic gumption to me.