


312 comments posted · 19 followers · following 0

4 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 1 reply · +3 points

I do everything I can to make sure I'm fully available to seed any of these torrents 99% of the time, barring power outages and extreme technical difficulties. If I ever stop seeding these, I'll reply to the latest torrent thread to let you know. Until then, assume they're active and the gremlins that control the trackers are just being jerks.

Death Note
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Over the Garden Wall
Serial Experiments Lain
The Legend of Korra
Yuri on Ice

Deep Space 9
The Next Generation
All Star Trek films, numbered, including Galaxy Quest

Babylon 5 + movies + Crusade
Farscape (except 2x14, which corrupted before Mark could post it)
iZombie seasons 1-2
Person of Interest
Pushing Daisies
The 100 seasons 1-3
Veronica Mars seasons 1-3

4 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Jane the... · 3 replies · +11 points

> It’s fascinating to me that I do find Petra as compelling as I do. On paper, she’s not the kind of character that I would like, and yet, you’ve all seen how protective I’ve become over her,

This is my second time through the series, I was watching in realtime as it aired the first time, and I've also found myself really appreciating Petra so much more than I did on my first watch, especially considering how she starts out. For me, it's less about the overcoming trauma aspect, exactly, and more...

Well, Petra is a selfish person. And we've seen her go from caricatured villain to beloved member of the family without ever making her un-selfish. She's still driven by wanting to protect and grow what's hers, but that now includes the right things, like her children and her extended family in the Villanuevas. She still makes mistakes, like moving the body, but she's still working to be on the right path as much as she can see her way to it. So many shows would erase that selfishness, instead of turning it into Tiffany Aching "this place is mine" energy.

And, I'm also a very selfish person by nature. I think my mom tried to instill me with some "put others first" but it didn't take, either because of other issues or some quirk of brain wiring. Either way, I've been on a similar journey to Petra's over the last few years, unlearning toxic stuff and trying to stop myself and question where some feelings and reactions are coming from, and redirect those feelings and impulses into appropriate channels. So, watching it through this time, I've also felt myself liking her a lot more and feeling rather protective of her, where the first time I think I saw too much of my bad self in her to appreciate where she was coming from.

I think it's really great that we have a character like Petra in a show like this. She's a perfect example of someone who works to become a better person, without being unrecognizable from her original state. She tells us that it's never too late to choose to start doing the right thing. I also appreciate that she has friends who stick with her as she works on herself, Jane never gave up on her even through her own grief. It's hard to blame people who give up on someone like who Petra used to be, so I think seeing her loved and supported is all the more important, because everyone deserves love and support, no matter how bad they were or continue to be, even if it's not possible from the specific sources they might want it to be from (like her mom).

Whoops, that got pretty personal. But, I guess this kind of show does that to you, the way it touches on so many real issues.

4 years ago @ Mark Reads - Announcing the next Ma... · 0 replies · +4 points

I've really enjoyed all the Young Wizards and most of Discworld even... but I'm kinda glad we're getting back to shorter series here after all these years. 6 years since Discworld began, 4 years since the beginning of the Young Wizards universe, the last double feature/switch-between series before Discworld went full-time. That's SO LONG since we had something really new (even though every Discworld book alternates between character groups somewhat).

I'm extra excited Broken Earth is next because I just finished my second read through a few months ago so it's fresh enough for me to follow along without reading day by day.

4 years ago @ Mark Reads - Announcing the next Ma... · 4 replies · +3 points

The videos were the only commissioned part, the reviews have always been free. This might affect the way some people hoped to push certain books up the list with pre-commissioning, maybe, if that was a thing? But it should otherwise be pretty much the same as it is now, with Mark reading section by section, and posting their reviews/thoughts just as always.

4 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 4 replies · +4 points

I do everything I can to make sure I'm fully available to seed any of these torrents 99% of the time, barring power outages and extreme technical difficulties. If I ever stop seeding these, I'll reply to the latest torrent thread to let you know. Until then, assume they're active and the gremlins that control the trackers are just being jerks.

Death Note
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Over the Garden Wall
Serial Experiments Lain
The Legend of Korra
Yuri on Ice

Deep Space 9
The Next Generation
All Star Trek films, numbered, including Galaxy Quest

Babylon 5 + movies + Crusade
Farscape (except 2x14, which corrupted before Mark could post it)
iZombie seasons 1-2
Killjoys seasons 1-4
Person of Interest
Pushing Daisies
The 100 seasons 1-3
Veronica Mars seasons 1-3

4 years ago @ Mark Watches - Hi, friends! Let's do ... · 3 replies · +2 points

It's hard to know where to start with suggestions, but I can say I rewatched George of the Jungle (1997) recently and it holds up remarkably well, if that's something you haven't seen before. Additional honorable mentions for Hackers (1995) and Starship Troopers (1997), both also still intensely enjoyable (if cheesy) films.

4 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 0 replies · +5 points

I believe Avatar was done before the videos were downloadable. Back in the day, the videos were uploaded to YouTube, but then came the great Buffy the Vampire Slayer copyright strike in 2012, and nearly all the old Watches videos were lost. Unfortunately, unless someone's been hiding an archive for almost 8 years, I don't think any ATLA videos survived.

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 0 replies · +4 points

I do everything I can to make sure I'm fully available to seed any of these torrents 99% of the time, barring power outages and extreme technical difficulties. If I ever stop seeding these, I'll reply to the latest torrent thread to let you know. Until then, assume they're active and the gremlins that control the trackers are just being jerks.

Death Note
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Over the Garden Wall
Serial Experiments Lain
The Legend of Korra
Yuri on Ice

Deep Space 9
The Next Generation
All Star Trek films, numbered, including Galaxy Quest

Babylon 5 + movies + Crusade
Farscape (except 2x14, which corrupted before Mark could post it)
iZombie seasons 1-2
Killjoys seasons 1-4
Person of Interest
Pushing Daisies
The 100 seasons 1-3
Veronica Mars seasons 1-3

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Gathering Place · 1 reply · +5 points

I'm also skipping it. TLJ had such great themes, important ones in this day and age of realizing how we and the people we look up to are flawed and we have to come to terms with that. I could understand TFA's big nostalgic revisit of ANH, because it had to bring us back to the universe, but TROS kind of sounds like JJ and Disney's decision-makers failed to understand what made Star Wars an important cultural fixture. I know a lot of people found it to be a great popcorn movie and that was fine for me when I was 12 and the prequels started coming out, but that's not what I want from Star Wars anymore. (No judgement on anyone who wants popcorn films, but there's so much more there to explore in almost every other Star Wars film, if you want to start peeling back the layers.)

I'll just sit over here in the corner with the first 8 movies, a couple of books and animated series, and my headcanon that Rey defeats Kylo and founds a new not-light, not-dark order of Skywalkers to keep the galaxy and the Force in balance (so the Force doesn't have to spit out Jedi and Sith all the time to keep things in check) and Finn, Poe, and Rose all live as a polycule on the Falcon being awesome.

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 0 replies · +3 points

I do everything I can to make sure I'm fully available to seed any of these torrents 99% of the time, barring power outages and extreme technical difficulties. If I ever stop seeding these, I'll reply to the latest torrent thread to let you know. Until then, assume they're active and the gremlins that control the trackers are just being jerks.

Death Note
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Over the Garden Wall
Serial Experiments Lain
The Legend of Korra
Yuri on Ice

Deep Space 9
The Next Generation
All Star Trek films, numbered, including Galaxy Quest

Babylon 5 + movies + Crusade
Farscape (except 2x14, which corrupted before Mark could post it)
iZombie seasons 1-2
Killjoys seasons 1-4
Person of Interest
Pushing Daisies
The 100 seasons 1-3
Veronica Mars seasons 1-3