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5 years ago @ Crasstalk - 8th Crassiversary Open... · 1 reply · +14 points

3 cheers for DMM!

5 years ago @ Crasstalk - 8th Crassiversary Open... · 3 replies · +25 points

Graduated law school
Passed the bar
Got a job upstate
Moved out of NYC for the last time
Was a legal aid attorney
Lived in a small town
Fell in love with that small town
Adopted a cat
Became the first in my family to tell someone to take
their job and shove it
Became a public defender
Moved even farther upstate
Figured out how to make my wash day hair last for 3-4 days
Lost my first election as a campaign manager by 1 vote
Won my 2nd election as a campaign manager by about 2K votes
Moved 7 times
Found flannel sheets with avocados on them
Dodgers went to the World Series twice and lost twice.

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Roll Back into it Open... · 2 replies · +2 points



6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Roll Back into it Open... · 0 replies · +2 points

Oh and I’m getting rid of the big filing cabinet and moving in my two smaller ones and will be lighting with lamps not the horrible overhead light.

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Roll Back into it Open... · 0 replies · +1 points


There’s no rush! I’m going home on vacation next week so I’m not moving or doing anything until I return. Am hoping to make a few purchases to ship to the office though!

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Roll Back into it Open... · 0 replies · +1 points

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Roll Back into it Open... · 0 replies · +1 points

I can paint, hang things, generally do whatever I want to the space. Here’s photo 1 of 3

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Roll Back into it Open... · 0 replies · +3 points

Thank you! I’ll take photos today. Not that you need it but GOOD LUCK!

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Roll Back into it Open... · 1 reply · +3 points

I’m happy to come down and keep you company on some weekends. Just say the word!

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Roll Back into it Open... · 10 replies · +14 points

Lala! After a year of sharing an elevator-sized office with a boy who thought a free Guardians of the Galaxy poster was sufficient decoration in our space, I am FINALLY am being rewarded with an office of my own! And I want it to be pink (more jewely hot magenta than baby)! But I have no idea how to make that happen in the beloved yet drab space I’ve been given. I’m sorry to ask for free labor, but pleeeeaaassseee if I posted some photos could you give me just a few ideas? Under $400?