Hugh Isaacs II

Hugh Isaacs II


5 comments posted · 1 followers · following 1

14 years ago @ http://www.calamitieso... - Calamities of Nature -... · 1 reply · +2 points

You'd be surprised.

15 years ago @ ... - Lil Wayne Calls Michae... · 1 reply · +1 points

I feel like saying something but then I don't, I'm too tired of ignorance.

15 years ago @ Video Game News & Revi... - Rumor: Gearbox Working... · 0 replies · +1 points

Honestly I think all the Wii needs is a good online service, and some better marketing for core games.

Online service is #1 though, being that everyone does something online now a days (Google, Facebook, etc...).

I don't think the new consoles justify the addition of more power, since most of the games I've played on them feel like they could have been recreated on the Gamecube just with less graphics (Especially RE5).

15 years ago @ Video Game News & Revi... - Rumor: Gearbox Working... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree, advertising makes everything now a days.

I was actually having a conversation with someone as to why Sony can't seem to sell the PS3 and when you look at it, none of the ads for it in the beginning actually displayed what the thing could do (same for the PSP).

15 years ago @ TPG - DSi: The "i" Apparentl... · 2 replies · +3 points

Well you also have to take into account that Sony and Nintendo aren't that great at software development.

So making an SDK and fighting piracy and hacking only has one solution in their current setups.

And indie developers aren't completely ruled out, they're just not treated the same way they are on the iPhone. I mean I agree that Nintendo and Sony should open up in some form for their consoles as the future of the industry definitely isn't a closed one, but at the same time indie developers have a chance.

I think Bobs Game was a bad example of how things are handled as games like Cave Story and No Gravity have made it or are making it onto the online stores of these consoles and both of those games started out with one guy as the developer (I'm not sure of the changes made to get them onto consoles). The same goes for flOw on the PS3.

I can't defend Sony or Nintendo much though, because we all know if their consoles were opened up more, they'd probably gain more sales (especially Sony) and we'd see a huge growth for the industry.

This type of open industry is inevitable though, as the internet, PC and mobile market are increasingly catching up to the gaming industry. So it won't be long till we hear about a free SDK for indie devs on Sony and Nintendo game consoles.