
12 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Big Peace - Unconstitutional and A... · 0 replies · -30 points

I got ya. Try sending me a message through peter schweizer and we can confirm who each other are on here afterwards

13 years ago @ Big Peace - Unconstitutional and A... · 3 replies · -32 points

I didn't put one because I didn't want to deal with hate mail.

maybe you can post your email and I'll contact you - would that be cool?

- Spyridon (undercover account)

13 years ago @ Big Peace - My Personal Ranking: T... · 1 reply · -97 points

No problem, bro!

I'm kinda surprised at the reaction too. I actually think it's because I bash the RoPaul-youth so much they have me flagged. Notice the mass freak out to everything I write about him (and there will be more to come).

But I never worry, because you guys always have my back - and that is what really counts in the political trenches

- Spyridon (undercover account)

13 years ago @ Big Peace - The Demise Of A Dictator · 0 replies · 0 points

The audio doesn't work :(

13 years ago @ Big Peace - Reagan Wanted To Take ... · 0 replies · 0 points

we all know ron paulers hate Reagan and how much they want to protect America's enemies
but we true conservatives who actually love America and the Constitution know that a declaration of war is when congress authorizes the President the ability to wage war - and the President is authorized by the congress to launch surprise military actions within a certain time period (30 days- if I remember correctly) before needing to ask for an extension from Congress. It is called the War Powers Act of 1973.
Obama violated it, Reagan didn't, and Ron Paul agrees with Iran too often to matter

13 years ago @ Big Peace - The Tyrants Of Cuba Mu... · 2 replies · +14 points

"I am conservative and I believe in the US and the Constitution"

actually, you are parroting the Communist Party USA and defending Communist Cuba

You are not a conservative. Conservatives don't hate their country

13 years ago @ Big Peace - 'Occupy Wall Street' P... · 1 reply · +2 points

It's true - after joining a guy with a "Don't tread on me" flag to educate people about the free market, the same guy turned around and told me some babble about "dancing mossad agents" during 9/11.

13 years ago @ Big Peace - Iraq And Afghanistan: ... · 3 replies · -30 points

1) what is "Entangling " about our alliance with Israel? They have been on our side since their creation

2) the 9/11 report actually makes clear that al qaeda's goal is world-wide jihad and a global caliphate. all else is just obl's propaganda - notice how many muslims he is killing? and besides, there is no justification for 9/11, so what he claims doesn't really matter. its just evil. it didn't matter why the nazis did what they did, all that mattered was that we stopped them

13 years ago @ Big Peace - Iraq And Afghanistan: ... · 1 reply · -30 points

"To address this crisis the Bush administration is engaged in a radical project that can legitimately be labeled 'messianic imperialism.' ... now imagines himself to be on a divine mission: a crusade to rid the world of 'evil.'"

that is from the Communist Party USA - it's telling how your anti-American common cause even makes you sound alike

13 years ago @ Big Peace - Iraq And Afghanistan: ... · 7 replies · -29 points

lol - now you think you're ghandi.

If I'm wrong, then tell us, so tell us -
What do you think of Israel?
Why did 9/11 happen?
Would Iran with a Nuke be a bad thing?