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12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - \"Why Do You Hate Chri... · 1 reply · +1 points

On the grounds that this world is a sensory experience... Anything before or after is purely speculation. To condemn a man as wrong, when your own proof is limited, is as pointless as any of the etification appetites you people cling to so much. Always needing reassurance, hence your lack of ability in defending your stupid premise.

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - \"Why Do You Hate Chri... · 0 replies · +1 points

Because idiots like you say things like evidence and proof, which would entail fact. You can't say anyone else is wrong, when you yourself and everyone like you is lacking evidence.

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - But My Faith Brings Me... · 0 replies · +3 points

If God has nothing but punishment in store for your non-believer friends... Then what really is the good news? Christianity is a system dedicated to selfishness and shameless self promotion. As if belonging to their very special club is going to change things now. If I have any pieace of advice for christians, it's this; Why not try being like Jesus and stop dwelling on the particulars. The crucifixion was meant to teach self saccrifice and the breaking of bread was supposed to sygnify the giving of one's self. You're anscestors and church founders knew full well what they were doing when they edited the bible, they were stealing your mind and your freedom to live as you will. They've made life something to fear... One shouldn't need hell to fly on the straight and narrow, just a good set of parents.

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - \"Why Do You Hate Chri... · 0 replies · +1 points

It's almost disgusting, the level of aptitude these people have. To believe the words of a book that talks of hatred and violence, skip over all of it and act as if it were never in their stupid little book. The idea that there's anything other than one's own perception is also crazy. For example; If I were to go to church with another individual, it would still be impossible for us to worship the same god/God. It's impossible because, we still have a personal identification with what we are percieving as true. My version of god/God will always have a different visage.

For me, the christian god is a childish tyrant and isn't woth whatever stock followers put into it. But... That's just my opinion and I'm sure someone has a problem with it. In this way, we're all full of it because there will always be someone to disagree.

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - \"Why Do You Hate Chri... · 0 replies · +1 points

I can say from experience, that I'm quite disapointed with christianity. Having grown up in a multi religious family, I've been exposed to almost every major religion and a few of the obscure. Christianity had to be the mos absurd, obtuse garbage I've ever run across. Now, my grandparents were strict christians and I went to church with them, and yes... I was quite indoctrinated, even converted a few jews.

Given my handle, one may assume that I hate people. This is not true, for people aren't all that bad. It's their conditions and attitudes that suck and the fact that they support the most ludicrous, exaggerated and unfounded claims. The thing that bothers me the most; The preaching of damnation and hell fire. The worst of all christian related beliefs; jehova's witnesses. I've decided that I want to go into a kingdom hall and heckle their decon. They won't give me their address when their bugging at my door, so I thought I'd take it straight to the source.