


141 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Poll Results: Do You L... · 0 replies · +2 points

After practically saying that if someone enjoyed it he must be a blind fanboy, there is no point in giving you reasons, sonny. Like if someone said that the storyline was on-par with mlp episodes and the animation and the songs were good you would accept that as "good" reasons. :D
Like I said: not interested.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Poll Results: Do You L... · 2 replies · +5 points

Really? What if I told you, some people MIGHT have liked what you didnt like? Its as simple as that...differing tastes, differing opinions.

"...I can't think of a single reason why someone would say this is a good movie outside of a religious devotion to the MLP brand."
"...hey might come to their senses."

No, you dont want to know why people liked it, you want people to agree with you. You decided that it was crap and if someone dont think it's crap he/she is senseless or a blind fanatic. Basically you are like a drunk jock in a bar looking for a fight. Not interested.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Movie Followup: \"Eque... · 1 reply · +5 points

" I don't wanna say that you are hasdrones.."

Of course you do.

"...but you are frikkin hasdrones."


And I dont wanna say you are a self righteous prick, but you are a self righteous prick. Just my opinion. See how this plays out?

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Editorial: Hype. Eques... · 0 replies · +7 points

Funny, the very first paragraph made it clear for me that they are stating their opinion...

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Editorial: Hype. Eques... · 2 replies · +8 points

"All I'm saying is that after Calpain, Xyro, PK and I all drove varying amounts of distances to see this movie for ourselves on Sunday, we've all come away happy with the work Studio DHX and the gang have put into this flick. "

If they need to state "in our opinion" after this, then the reading comprehension skill of some people is quite low.

P.S.: Oh crap, let me correct that: "...the reading comprehension skill of some people is quite low, in my opinion."
Wouldnt want to be accused of bad journalism...

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Editorial: Hype. Eques... · 0 replies · +1 points

Crap, that wasnt my goal. That would be too harsh even to those I intended to imitate.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Editorial: Hype. Eques... · 2 replies · +17 points

If you liked it you are just a sellout because its objectively bad and you are an idiot for liking it and it is you who are destroying the fandom and the show, just admit it that you got paid by hasbro to like the movie! I know this, because Im a professional critic, meaning that my opinion is the CORRECT one. Also the EQD staff must present their credentials to be a "news source" or face punishment for misleading the public and misrepresenting the "general opinion" of the fandom!


11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Movie Followup: \"Eque... · 1 reply · +8 points

You liked it?! Well, "professional critics" didnt, so you are WRONG for liking it!

Some people...

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Brony Documentary Adds... · 0 replies · +16 points

Bronydoc steps in with 50 signed copies to help the relief effort.

12 hours later only 7 copies remain unsold, so as of now 4300 was raised via bronydoc.

Holy crap that was fast O_O
Great work to everyone involved, especially Mr Brockhoff & team for the generous offer.

Edit: Well, didnt have to wait much longer for that last 7 to go as well :D

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Brony Documentary Adds... · 1 reply · +4 points

You should really listen to EFRs aftermath Q&D, i think its the best summary out so far with mainly first hand experience