


22 comments posted · 3 followers · following 1

13 years ago @ Survival Cache - (Content Audit - Delet... · 0 replies · +1 points

If we ever lost all forms of electrically provided entertainment there would not be very many bad books available. I will put this book on my list to read and most of important of all to add it to my library in case I really need one of the chapters to survive. You mention that it may be to BASIC for the more advanced camper, but if we ever came to the point that we are living on just the BASICS a book like this could be just what need for a little reality check and reference. As far as typos go, yes they can be very unprofessional looking in a book and may hurt the authors sales, but as long as you can learn or use the advice, then it educational it is. I once was stuck in a mud hole with a friend and a guy came by with a very "Cajun" accent and offered to help. Even though we could barely understand the creole I learned a new way to pull a stuck car out of hole with a chain with no hooks that he provided. Point being that I learned something from that hard to understand fellow that has stayed with me for over 20 years, a chapter in a book of that day could be priceless as long as it made sense. Great review and I will never write a book because I think I could be the Typo King!
Getting Ready!

13 years ago @ Survival Cache - Book Review: How to Su... · 2 replies · +3 points

Has anyone ever read the FoxFire books? If you have not, they are books about how they survived in the good old days.

13 years ago @ Survival Cache - Book Review: How to Su... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks! It had been many years since I wrote an essay. Great YouTube videos, with a good ammo belt a guy could shoot quite a few rounds in a short amount of time. I enjoy your comments on this site.

13 years ago @ Survival Cache - Book Review: How to Su... · 2 replies · +2 points

My favorite and most reliable shotguns are my single shot shot guns. I do have others, but I have an H&R single 20 gauge that I have been hunting with for almost 30 years. I shot my first deer with the gun when I was 12 and it still shoots great today. It is not the best self defense gun if you need multiple quick shots, but if a 12 year can shoot a deer with #3 buck shot at 30' think what an adult could do in a defense situation.
As far the book review goes I have not read the book , but do read his blog. Some of us are not as fortunate so we have to plan based on our budget. As was I was writing our bug-out and bug-in plan I came across a writing contest on and I got 3rd place with my article on buggin in on a budget. I will try to post a link. Maybe we could get a writing contest on this site?

13 years ago @ The Survival Mom - Cold Weather Camping a... · 1 reply · +1 points

A few hot rocks could work as well.

13 years ago @ Survival Cache - Survival Operating Pro... · 3 replies · +6 points

Josh, I think that you have to be one of the smartest 13 year olds I have seen. Great job!

For our Bug-Out plan , we have 3 different levels 1. Grab everything!. 2. Grab half of everything!. 3. Grab the BOB and Bug-out food bag!. The way we have this plan it allows us to exit the home starting with #3 and working our way up to #1.

13 years ago @ Survival Cache - Book Review: “One Se... · 0 replies · +1 points

I just want to add that you should practice with starting fires. I have been practicing this winter starting fires in my fireplace and have found that my practice could save my life in an emegency. I am keeping my cotten balls in vasoline in a beef jerky can like the Skoal cans. You want to keep them dry and also be able to use all of the vasoline inside the container for blisters and other things besides fire starting. My kids are also having fun watching and learning . And like you I am new to this site and learning a lot also.

13 years ago @ Survival Cache - Book Review: “One Se... · 2 replies · +3 points

Insurance Companies and an EMP. I have asked my ins agent if I have coverage in the event of an EMP on my trucks and home. She said my home is covered in the event of a power surge from the utilty line into our home, but anything else inside might not be covered. As far as vehicles are concerned she cannot get an answer out of the corporate office. I would be interested to here what other ins agents are saying to their customers.

14 years ago @ Survival Cache - 6 Tips To Keep Your Ve... · 0 replies · +1 points

If you disconnect the battery cable , it keep the car from shorting out all of the electric componets. I read that somewhere , I cant remember where though. I plan to get an older Blazer just for that reason.

14 years ago @ Survival Cache - 6 Tips To Keep Your Ve... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have put a coffe can full of food in mine and my wifes trucks. There is enough food in them for 2 meals for us and 2 kids. Not recently but I have used old socks or t-shirts to wrap water bottles in to keep them from freezing in the winter. If we are going to the mountains in Colorado we pack a little heavier though and prepare for a few days. If you are in an area where you can always take a gun!