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9 years ago @ - Backstage News on Vinc... · 1 reply · +41 points

Oh yeah, lets prove the 15 Time World Champion isn't a lost cause. Retire Vince...

9 years ago @ - Dolph Ziggler Talks Ab... · 3 replies · +37 points

I think Brock Lesnar as Champion is going to give that Title meaning again. During the Attitude Era, only the real top guys got hold of that WWE Championship. Guys didn't get that belt and fall down to midcard level. If you look at the from about 1999 - 2001, the only guys who ever had the belt were Rock, Austin, Triple H, Foley, Undertaker and Angle. You didn't have guys like The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Christian, Jack Swagger, Mark Henry, Sheamus etc holding the belt. And no offence to those guys, but they are all midcard guys now. They should have never got a World Title and been put in the same level as the other guys mentioned.

I hope WWE have as few people as possible win that belt in the next 3 or 4 years. The guys who should hold that belt should be kept to about 5 or 6 guys, Lesnar, Cena, Bryan, Orton, Reigns, Wyatt.

9 years ago @ - How Much Are WWE Devel... · 0 replies · +7 points

That is very bad to be honest. NXT is the 2nd biggest promotion/brand in the world and the talent really should be getting more money.

9 years ago @ - **Live Coverage** of T... · 2 replies · +24 points

I reckon the first hour of Raw should be given to NXT. They could showcase the NXT talent on Prime Time TV and also hype what will be coming up on Raw that night. It would be great for NXT because the guys would be getting more exposure on front of the WWE crowd, it would be great for Raw because 3 hours is just too damn long of the same thing, and it would eliminate all the rubbish we see on Raw every week.

9 years ago @ - **Live Coverage** of T... · 1 reply · +6 points

Must have been watching something different to me...

9 years ago @ - **Live Coverage** of T... · 1 reply · +10 points

This is my first time watching NXT. Hope it impresses. Anything is better than the mysery on Monday Night's.

9 years ago @ - Another Debut at NXT T... · 0 replies · +5 points

I reckon they should try get NXT to the point where it is better than the WWE in terms of having star talent. Have someone like Kevin Steen win the NXT Championship and brag about how he is better than everyone in the WWE and that he stays on NXT. Would be fascinating.

9 years ago @ - Possible WWE Night of ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Ric Flair with KENTA seems like a very weird partnership but I think it could work. I sometimes think people forget just how good Ric FlaIr is on the mic. He never really did his whole crazy routine in the WWE like he got to do in the NWA and WCW.

9 years ago @ - Possible Title Feud Co... · 1 reply · -1 points

So he's gone from fueding with Daniel Bryan to John Cena to Chris Jericho all the way down to fighting for, and I know people might not want to say it, an irrelevant Title.

9 years ago @ - Former WWE and WCW Sta... · 0 replies · +10 points

RIP Sean O' Haire. So lousy. Sick of hearing about wrestlers dying at such a young age.