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10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Queen\'s University st... · 0 replies · +4 points

Waving a red flag at a bull this one. All will happen if this no poppy motion is passed, is that during remembrance week in November 2014 hundreds of flag waving loyalists will picket, while poppy sellers set up their pitches just outside the students union. No doubt violence and riots will erupt.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Caroline Wozniacki hin... · 0 replies · +1 points

Congratulations to both Rory & Caroline. They certainly won't be short of a bob or two.
Wonder were they both will live, Florida, Monaco or Holywood Co Down?

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Police get more time t... · 1 reply · +4 points

Maybe McGuinnes is frightened the PSNI will now look into the IRA Derry Brigade's proxy bomb in Coshquin October 1990 when the driver and five soldiers were killed, after they have dealt with the McConville case.

"The Coshquin operation involved 11 members of the IRA's Derry City Brigade. RUC Special Branch had received some intelligence about the operation,[9] but it was said to be only a "vague outline" of an "impending assault against a base" in the area.

Catholic man Patrick "Patsy" Gillespie (42) lived in the Shantallow area of Derry and worked as a cook in Fort George British Army base in the city. The IRA had warned him to stop working at the base or risk reprisal. On one occasion, the IRA had forced him to drive a bomb into the base, giving him just enough time to escape. However, the bomb failed to detonate.

On 24 October 1990, members of the IRA's Derry City Brigade took over Gillespie's house.[10] While his family was held at gunpoint, he was forced to drive his car to a rural spot on the other side of the border in County Donegal.[10] Gillespie was then put in a van loaded with 1,000 pounds (450 kg) of explosives and told to drive to the Coshquin permanent border checkpoint on Buncrana Road.[10][9] An armed IRA team followed him by car to ensure he obeyed their commands.[8] Four minutes from the checkpoint, the IRA team armed the bomb remotely.[8] When Gillespie reached the checkpoint, at 3:55 AM,[8] he tried to get out and warn the soldiers, but the bomb detonated when he attempted to open the door.[9] IRA bomb makers had installed a detonation device linked to the van's courtesy light, which came on whenever the van door opened. As a safeguard, the bombers also used a timing device to ensure the bomb detonated at the right moment.[9] Gillespie and five soldiers were killed. Witnesses reported hearing "shouting, screaming and then shots".[8] The bomb devastated the base, destroying the operations room and a number of armoured vehicles.[8] It was claimed that the death toll would have been much higher if soldiers hadn't been sleeping in a recently built mortar-proof bunker.[8] The blast also damaged 25 nearby houses.

At Gillespie's funeral Bishop Edward Daly said the IRA and its supporters were "...the complete contradiction of Christianity. They may say they are followers of Christ. Some of them may even still engage in the hypocrisy of coming to church, but their lives and their works proclaim clearly that they follow Satan."

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Gerry Adams arrested: ... · 0 replies · +10 points

" SF only support policing, as long as the police don't turn the spotlight on their murky past."

100% correct mainliner, even Gerry recommended the public go to the PSNI in 2007, I doubt if he agrees now.

“ Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams said that anyone with information about the murder should go to the police.’

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Police restrain man as... · 0 replies · +1 points

"Thank god for decent, intelligent politicians like Naomi Long in this country."

Here here, and these two ladies are better looking than any other female SF,DUP,UUP & SDLP MLA's & MP's

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Pensioner incomes in N... · 0 replies · +7 points

The only pensioners who receives £385 have 2 or 3 other pensions on top of their state pension of £113.10. Most pensioners live on less than half of the above. Pensioners who live on just the state pension receive pension credit to bring them up to the considered poverty line, approx £145.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Obama warns North over... · 0 replies · -1 points

Obama nor Putin will start a thermonuclear war with one another unless they are mad. Reason because both US and Russia would be turned to a nuclear dust bowl and the end results would be:

"A major nuclear exchange would have long-term effects, primarily from the fallout released, and could also lead to a "nuclear winter" that could last for decades, centuries, or even millennia after the initial attack.[1][2] Some analysts claim that with this potential nuclear winter side-effect of a nuclear war almost every human on Earth could starve to death,[3][4] While other analysts, that dismiss the nuclear winter hypothesis, calculate that with nuclear weapon stockpiles at Cold War highs, in a surprise countervalue global nuclear war, megadeaths to billions of casualties would have resulted but billions of people would nevertheless have survived the global thermonuclear war"

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Gang of 15 attack Poli... · 1 reply · +3 points

poleinbelfast, I like the Polish people, and know the service & sacrifice they give in WW2. As a member of a ships crew who frequently sailed between Gdansk & Ireland before the Iron Curtain came down also know the poverty and suffering Polish people had under the Soviet rule before the end of the cold war. However I am also from Belfast and certain areas controlled by dissident republicans or loyalist UVF I would not venture into never mind want to live in. Unfortunately immigrants are not aware of these areas were their families would be in danger, and landlords don't even care to warn them.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Gang of 15 attack Poli... · 0 replies · -16 points

I don't think the PSNI would consider the difference between using a gun compared to a golf club
''dancing on the head of a pin' if they catch the offending culprits.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Gang of 15 attack Poli... · 2 replies · -20 points

Correct FK, its one hell of a bigger criminal offence using a gun instead of a golf club to attack immigrants, travellers or other members of the public. Still disgusting all of it.