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16 years ago @ Evolved and Rational - A question for my readers · 1 reply · +1 points
"Gender. A 2x2 ANOVA (superstition type x gender) revealed a highly significant main effect of gender: women tended to endorse both types of superstition to a greater extent than men .. Overall, positive superstitions were endorsed more than negative superstitions.... "
And a UK survey, originally from The Sun (so, uh, maybe not so scientific)
Some of the results analysed by gender...
* Belief in ghosts - 30% of men, 38% of women
* Belief in contact with the dead - 24% of men, 40% of women
* Personal experience in fortune-telling, astrology, tarot cards and psychics/palm reading - 27% of men, 45% of women
* Belief in restless spirits - 30% of men, 43% of women
Reported in The Sun June 20th 2005
So maybe ER's premise has some weight to it. Anyone know of any research that points the other way?
16 years ago @ Evolved and Rational - A question for my readers · 0 replies · +1 points
The flip side is, of course, that bearing the brunt of oppression would make the women first to shout out "this is a massive load of bollocks"... But, sigh, I suppose that's what stoning is for. Grr.
So we're back to dissonance. "If _I_ couldn't pick my husband/go to school/get a job, why should these kids get to? Naaah, God totally exists."
16 years ago @ Evolved and Rational - A question for my readers · 2 replies · +1 points
Now that I think of it, most (if not all) of the big name Creationists are male - Ham, Hovind, Dembski, Behe. But when I think of the people leading the fight against creationism, I think of Eugenie Scott and Barbara Forrest right away.
(Yeah, I'm not ignoring Denyse O'Leary, I'm just.... ignoring her. For sanity's sake)
It's like asking "Why are so many atheists/skeptics liberals?" It may seem like an idea, when you think of conservative fundie bible-bashers, but there's a lot of Deepak Chopra-loving anti-vaccination nonsense spouted at the Huffington Post....
So, I think this might be a good example of the logical fallacy of begging the question... I may be wrong.
And if atheism/skepticism isn't split along gender, or politcal lines, then what? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say "Educational".... Any takers?
16 years ago @ Evolved and Rational - A question for my readers · 0 replies · +1 points
Naaah, I dunno... I'm not sure if it's an actual phenomenon, or confirmation bias, or insufficient sampling...
Maybe it's a historical thing - in the prefeminist past when males held all the power/money, it would have been the males who would have had to develop the critical thinking skills necessary to stave off the predatory conmen....
Or perhaps there's an evolutionary advantage in women falling for stupid shit - there are some people who couldn't possibly breed without the help of a massive lapse of judgment on the part of some female...
We could probably dream up a trillion 'just-so' stories to explain a phenomenon that may not actually exist...
Hell, maybe the two sexes are equally predisposed to nonsense, but different kinds? For every insanely Catholic woman, there's a dude who thinks 9-11 was the work of aliens...
16 years ago @ Evolved and Rational - Another reason to love... · 0 replies · +1 points
This idiot doesn't know what "hacking" even means. It's a creationist-like combination of ignorance, rudeness, and arrogance.
What a waste of bits...
16 years ago @ Evolved and Rational - Another reason to love... · 0 replies · +2 points
16 years ago @ Evolved and Rational - Another reason to love... · 2 replies · +2 points
Then you called a series of people smarter than you "stupid", and generally poked at a wasp's nest. Disagreeing with a position means presenting facts, not insults - drowning us with evidence, not wallowing in your own ignorance.
You reap what you sow.
16 years ago @ Evolved and Rational - Another reason to love... · 0 replies · +1 points
16 years ago @ Evolved and Rational - Another reason to love... · 3 replies · +2 points
All you've done is revealed that when you talk about computers, or hackers, or the internet, you don't know or understand what you're talking about, and your opinion will carry the zero weight it deserves.
You're boxing SO FAR above your weight with this crowd it's not even funny.
16 years ago @ Evolved and Rational - Another reason to love... · 7 replies · +2 points