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13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Patriot Guard Riders D... · 0 replies · +5 points

What this so-called "Christian" church (which is not Christian at all) overlooks is that the very first gentile convert to Christianity was a Roman Centurion (a soldier in the Roman Army) yet Jesus never condemned him. In fact, Jesus spared this Centurion's servant's child from death. Westboro is a church more after the order of Satan, not Christ. Satan is the author of hate. Christ is the author love.

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Bozell Embarrasses Spi... · 0 replies · +1 points

CNN? It is who and what they are...reprehensible dregs against our culture...

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Bozell Embarrasses Spi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Spitzer is the same loon that said, "The Constitution is a dead piece of paper", trashing his family notwithstanding...

14 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: U.S. Mid ... · 0 replies · +4 points

"for Muslim-American relations to improve"

Of course what these miscreants mean by "improve" is to submit to these sorry pieces of excrement until they can kill all of us. China needs to shut the hell up. Those murderous offals don't need to be telling anyone about improving anything.

14 years ago @ Islam In Action - Justice Dept. Issues S... · 0 replies · +2 points

Of course. When Holder and the rest of Obama's Marxist socialist miscreants speak of "taking root" to commit to the so-called civil rights of Muslims that is code for the advancement of a vile religion committed to the same intents and purposes of this corrupt administration-the destruction/replacement of this whole civil society as we know it.

It is probably the sickest collection of minds to ever have converged in one place to mainline the evils for which they are proxy. The vile seek to overcome civility with equally corrupt "officers of the court" and force.

As Lois Phillips has stated, "Our forefathers would have hung them for treason." [emphasis mine] This citizen would have no problem with that. Delivering their miserable necks to a rope would be just indeed. It would end up saving thousands of lives in the long run.

If Muslim Islamofascists end up killing more Americans, rest assured that it would be the very Americans that Holder and Hussein Obama would find just in the debased reasoning of their dark souls.

14 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Archbishop slams Irish... · 0 replies · +1 points

IV) One of the many characteristics of the emerging apostate church in the last days as revealed in Scripture is "universal deception." Hmmm. I wonder...

14 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Archbishop slams Irish... · 0 replies · +1 points

III) Given the lying nature of Joseph Ratzinger and the platform of secrecy that the Vatican dwellers employ to hide their perversions, what does anyone hope to accomplish when they meet with Ratzinger, their cult head?

The Vatican is replete with homosexuals, pedophiles, those who have sex with brute animals,and who knows what else.

Just as Babylon was the center of idolatry and moral corruption in the Old Testament, the ROMAN Catholic cult is the center of idolatry, and moral corruption in the New Testament age.

So much for "apostolic succession" and those who presume to speak in the name of the Lord.


14 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Archbishop slams Irish... · 0 replies · +1 points

II) In October 14th, 2007, Monsignor Tammasa Stenico, a high ranking Vatican priest solicited sex from a 13 year old boy. He was subsequently arrested by the Italian police who had everything on video. The Monsignor is heard telling the boy that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. He further states that there are many priests in the Vatican who are homosexuals-he knows many of them. The Monsignor was Director of one of the three departments that make up the Congregation for the Clergy-the Vatican "ministry" for the clergy.

Historians and theologians have well chronicled ROME's perversions for several centuries. I have just finished reading a book that was written in 1553, and was revised and extended in 1558.

14 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Archbishop slams Irish... · 0 replies · +1 points

I) In a May 18, 2001 directive to the ROMAN Catholic hierarchy, Joseph Ratzinger (then, Prefect of the Office of the Doctrine of the Faith) instructed ROME's priests all over the world to, 1) Keep secret homosexual and pedophile behaviour, and 2) You are not bound to tell the truth. If the perpetrator or victim spoke of it, they faced excommunication from the "church." So-Ratzinger was instructing his priests to lie, and obstruct justice.

In 1962, Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani sent a letter to ROME's priests all over the world instructing them to 1) Keep secret homosexual behaviour, and 2) Sex with brute animals. If anyone spoke of it they faced excommunication from the "church." The title of the 69 page document was, "On Manner of Proceeding in Cases of the Crime of Solicitation."

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - What Would Joseph Do? · 0 replies · +1 points

Great article, Skip. I believe the good Lord placed events like this in Scripture for such a time as these. Every generation has the opportunity to glean from Scripture the right thing to do. Our Forefathers knew this. It is because of the leading of the Lord that we are as blessed as we are today. Tragically, as we turn our backs on the One who created us, He will honor that and turn away from us. As Christine D. said, "Prayer would help America right about now."