


159 comments posted · 22 followers · following 0

8 years ago @ Malay Mail - Hudud should apply to ... · 0 replies · +23 points

The only local people in the peninsula are the Orang Asli. In Borneo, the Orang Asal are the local people.

8 years ago @ Malay Mail - Four sectors identifie... · 0 replies · +1 points

Was the helicopter carrying cash for the elections and hence the constant stress on crocodiles? Crocodiles, like other animals, general avoid human beings.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Shariah court that has... · 0 replies · +15 points

There's no need for a Constitutional Court. The Federal Court can sit as the Constitutional Court. Any Court that cites God as the source of its jurisdiction, authority and power is not about law but superstition, mumbo jumbo and fairy tales.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - There are limits to fr... · 6 replies · +54 points

It would be unscientific to claim that there's a God just as it's unscientific to claim that there's no God.

Having said that, God cannot be cited as a source in law.

Law must have source to have jurisdiction and authority.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Now, focus shifts to r... · 0 replies · +96 points

In principle, retired judges should not appear in Court as counsel for Clients. But this should be confined to paying Clients. If a retired Judge acts pro bono, it should be allowed in the interest of justice.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - A-G defends decision o... · 0 replies · +158 points

How much sanctity does Islam need? In that case, let the Court decide. The AG should not be acting as Ibrahim Ali's defence attorney. It creates a dangerous precedent.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Khoo Kay Kim sahkan Ci... · 0 replies · +14 points

Article 160 of the Federal Constitution does not define the people called Malay by the British as Orang Asal. If you are not Orang Asal, you are an immigrant.

9 years ago @ Malay Mail - Pakistan’s &lsqu... · 0 replies · +1 points

Low IQ is the problem. When the IQ is too low, there's no capacity to think but only follow anything stupid.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Malaysia made them ric... · 3 replies · -32 points

The Emperors in Beijing always encouraged the rebellious Chinese in South China to get into business and migrate to southeast Asia. This is the reason that every country in southeast Asia has a Chinese population of anything between 3 million and 5 million.

Chinese tradition generally looked down on business or even working. They respected learning and the Mandarins.

The Chinese took great pride in telling each other that they don't have to work because they have so much wealth that not even ten generations can finish it.

Even in Malaysia, the highest ambition of the Chinese business community is to get out of business. They prefer to let their money work for them. This is a place where no one can compete with them. The Indians are no different from the Chinese and the Jews. The Jews however like to work. I am not sure about the Indians and Chinese.

9 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - DAP threatens to sue i... · 1 reply · -12 points

The AG, under the Federal Constitution, has absolute powers to decide whether to bring charges against someone, vary the charges, withdraw or even drop them.

DAP is barking up the wrong tree.