


18 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ gathering in light - GiL Video: Resistance ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Why is that? Did you tell me why you are moving to Portland? i don't remember you answering that one.

15 years ago @ gathering in light - GiL Video: Resistance ... · 1 reply · +2 points

You and Blake Huggins are the only ones i know who use Intense Debate. Never heard of it before following the both of you.

15 years ago @ gathering in light - GiL Video: Resistance ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks, and me too! When i go to LA to visit friends i will have to go to Fuller and meet Ryan. i really enjoyed the emerging church book he did with Eddie Gibbs. The year it came out i bought a bunch of copies and gave it as Christmas presents!

15 years ago @ gathering in light - GiL Video: Resistance ... · 0 replies · +1 points

the 1st comment i got referenced your loophole of gift cards.

15 years ago @ gathering in light - GiL Video: Resistance ... · 1 reply · +2 points

i am from Cincinnati. Went to Xavier University and had a good friend from Canton.

i know Ryan from his blog and think he is a great person. He lagged on blogging so i quit reading him after a long while! Tell him to PLEASE return as i love and enjoy his musings!

My paternal Jewish grandparents put me in Catholic school in 5th grade. i became a born-again fundie my siphomore year at Xavier.

15 years ago @ gathering in light - GiL Video: Resistance ... · 1 reply · +2 points

No, he is not a quaker. He comes from a similar background as me - fundamentalism! i will shoot him an email with your blog info and tell him to keep an eye out for you. Peter and i met while i started the D.Min in Emerging Church with Len Sweet. We fast became friends and have remained in contact over the past 4 years. i had to withdraw due to my Lyme Disease.

We were interviewed together by the 2 former Mormon guys who are now atheists who recently interviewed me and Pete Rollins. If you like, you can check it out and hear what we both sound like! ;)

Did you take any classes with Ryan Bolger? Are you from the Pacific Northwest?

15 years ago @ gathering in light - GiL Video: Resistance ... · 1 reply · +2 points

i forget, where are you guys moving from? i know to a Portlans, Oregon suburb. i havde friends in Portland and will be visiting them, so we will have to connect.

A good friend of mine, who lives in Corvalis, attends George Fox Seminary, and blogs at Emerging Christian, Peter Walker, is someone you gotta meet. He is so awesome! i have never met his wife, Jen, but everything i hear about her sounds wonderful. i look forward to meeting her.

His blog is: http://www.emergingchristian.com/

All the best to you in your move as well. Portland is an awesome city and very progressive! What are you moving there for? Job? School? New start?

15 years ago @ gathering in light - GiL Video: Resistance ... · 0 replies · +2 points

i really applaud what you guys are doing! Loopholes are nice sometimes! ;)

We are moving to Sacramento, where Katryna lived for 15 years prior to meeting me. It is really affordable and comparable to here in Richmond, VA. She has a load of job contacts there as well. It is a fun place to live with lots to do.

15 years ago @ gathering in light - GiL Video: Resistance ... · 3 replies · +2 points

Do you mean you won't be buying anything at all, new or use, or just buying only used things? My weakness is books and i buy both used and new books.

We live by a budget and don't buy anything we can't pay off. Our one car will be paid off in September and we will have no debt then. Feels good as this is the first time in my life living like this and it feels good. There is so much we don't need! Getting ready to sell our home and move we have been purging things and that is a relief too.

15 years ago @ (Ir)religiosity - Is Sojourners Part of ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Not sure, but i have always seen Wallis as part of the religious left and many people i know, both conservative and liberal, feel the same way. Wallis may have never intended that but it is how he is seen in many circles. It's just until recently, the left/progressives have been the only side advocating to fight poverty.

i do agree with this, 'Much of his rhetoric has suggested that faith communities and religious non-profits should strive to transcend the political polarities that always seem to dominated public discourse.' Yet, it is often the right that mixes religion and politics and enables the polarities to be perpetuated, imho.

i hope this press release is a one time mistake. If not, it's very disheartening!