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14 years ago @ Online Discussion - Online discussion on p... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think when we talk about employment is not only employed by others but also self employed. A non-traditional training might lead to enterpreneurship. Many women got success in bakery, fashion, art even in franchise and E commerce. The most important is to have support from family and or society in creating the income or market. In one area in Java, one woman succeeded selling local cake (Bakphia patok), then the other neighbors followed - customers recognize the street as the place to buy 'Bakphia patok"; this is also happened in Kerala India, one street is recognized as the place to buy 'halwa - the local sweet cake', they even open 24 hours. Thus, don't put the worry infront but the good planning and operation instead to reach the payment

14 years ago @ Online Discussion - Online discussion on p... · 1 reply · +1 points

Those are examples of stereotypes; when women are directed to domestic arena only. The best thing is to advocate with best/good practices that women and men are now could do exchangebly between domestic and public arena. It is also proved by studies that when men put women as their sub-ordinance with certain prohibitions and treated them as property - the symbolic violence is born which gradually lead to domestic/family violence. (PS: domestic violence covers not only physical but also psychological, economical and sexual violence). Gender equality - egalitarian ethos whithin family career development system is the best choice for changing traditional family perspective. Women empowerment is family advancement towards future investment.

14 years ago @ Online Discussion - Online discussion on p... · 0 replies · +1 points

Domestic violence and child abuse are product of the excess of family stressors related to gap between the expectation and reality. Every change in family life even the society life become stressors but not always being predicted and or being prepared to handle or overcome for a steady situation. A young married couple could handle better family situaton with balance distribution of job when the baby's crying during midnight and being prepared; otherwise the stressors may turn into family crisis.
Economic is most always be the biggest constraint. To face the war we must be ready with enough weapons and protection. Thus, developing coping mechanism with egalitarian ethos within good communication is proved reducing the family violence into 56%. Women could be agents of changes, nurturing and facilitating towards peaceful environment within family, society and nation

14 years ago @ Online Discussion - Online discussion on p... · 0 replies · +2 points

What about institutional efforts on gender equality and employment? Should institution asking first husband's permission for woman who would like to open business? How UN agencies push forward the 50:50 employment between gender?

14 years ago @ Online Discussion - Online discussion on p... · 0 replies · +1 points

Any promotion will get success only if having right momentum, right material and right method to the right audiences.
Promoting equal partnership in marriage to old married couple maybe too late and received reluctance due to difficulties to change habits and customs. All life styles and preferences are embedded in people's life through long process not in a sudden implantation. The manifestation of any reaction and action to equal partnership in marriage is due to latent gestation which submisively growing since early marriage years even adolescent years and childhood. The biased gender perspective due to patriarchy culture made women in sub-ordination, marginalization and discrimination. Thus, it is good to create good modules for several targets separately to school, marriage counselling, religious worship, public campaign and career married couples.
The earlier promotion is the better: Ebony and Ivory in the piano could bring beautiful sound - why don't we? I just celebrated my 34th wedding anniversary. You may follow me.. Let's create better world with gender harmony!

14 years ago @ Online Discussion - Online discussion on p... · 0 replies · +1 points

When coming to marriage decision, the reference unit is become the family; no longer husband or wife or children. Family grows together within a family career development system. Having children, job, win lotere, moving to a new house atc. is part of family career. This includes sickness, accident and death which eventually disturbed the family career. So that any employment decision and or entrepreneurship by any spouse or member of the family should be discussed for the family benefit and advancement. If the lady doctor could earn more money for family why not supporting her? If the wife is very talented in cooking and fashion why not supporting her to open business? All for one family advancement - equality means equal opportunity, access, benefit and control. Become one make us stronger!

14 years ago @ Online Discussion - Online discussion on p... · 0 replies · +1 points

Award and sanction is a must in the monitoring and evaluation. The problem is how many from them told the truth?
Reporting and expenses sometimes absurd while most programmes were only making recipe not the cakes.
In this modern era we are still using the old time holy text of religions book; the text/syntactic may remain the same but the contextual/semantic must be developed following to the fast growing world including woman's rights as integral part of the human's rights (Vienna, 1993). I think it is not the institution or the system, although some leaking might happen; but mostly the human being/actors/individuals made those good intention are spoiled. A sharpen tool for monitoring, evaluation and accountability system is needed related to gender equality, education and employment
Let us be the agents of changes and let women, especially the poor survived as human being not necessarily vulnerable anymore.

14 years ago @ Online Discussion - Online discussion on p... · 0 replies · +1 points

When we talked about community: girls and boys sometime we forget about their voices.
The adolescents/young people need proper information about human rights, children's rights (CRC) and gender equality; then only they could decide which on is the best for them. Sometime I amazed watching my grandson ways of thinking; he can do sign language though he is normal - he asked help and say thank you by gestures! Bravo to the parents! Amazingly this boy 18 months found upside down car could swing and I looked into his expression how he was proud of his findings and we all clapping and praised him accordingly. We need more best practices to MDGs implementation put the hunger and poor as human being, as the subjects not as the objects of projects and programmes which apparently gave trickle down effect only to their poverty line.

14 years ago @ Online Discussion - Online discussion on p... · 0 replies · +1 points

Education for women is not automatically direct the career and employment. There are cultural and gender biased perspectives we have to face. The men are growing upon mother's percpective; that's why patriarchy culture needs to be changed with egalitarian culture for family advancement - dual income family with gender harmony and success!
Every woman needs to be agent of changes to the egalitarian ethos starting from own family, early education to the nation.
My first son married to a carrer woman and she is working virtual office across countries (They live in Asia but the company is in US). Thus, it is good the family career development is discussed among members of family and the decision made by all for the sake of the family advancement.
Let's grow the gender equality starting in family and continue to society and nation to have a better world for men and women in the future!

14 years ago @ Online Discussion - Online discussion on p... · 3 replies · +1 points

In modern era not only women has equal human rights, even children have their rights to development (See: Covention to the rights for children/CRC). Women are still human being with freewill and the husband must not having their wife as property.
In the cases that more gaining than loosing if mother stays home it is OK otherwise any members of family may take care of the children.
I am medical doctor who needed to open clinic in the evening till night. After communication and understanding, I opened it alternate days. My husband loves me more, my children were happier and my patients were waiting to my turn-the family didnot loose the income. It is nice if decision making made by both spouses; due to women empowerment is also family advancement towards future investment. Let's grow gender equality in employment and family career development.