


556 comments posted · 1 followers · following 1

13 years ago @ The Humble Libertarian - Internet activists cra... · 0 replies · +4 points

How about calling for end to any government related "program" that begins with "The War On..."
War on Crime...
War on Poverty...
War on Drugs...
War on Terror...
These wars seem to go on forever, cost taxpayers billions of dollars and have no positive results. Put an end to "The War on..."

13 years ago @ The Humble Libertarian - Way to Use Your Time W... · 1 reply · +1 points

I figured it out and fired up MAME to prove it. The sound was from Gauntlet as a characters life force was running out. "Warrior is about to die...." and it would make that hum as the life points ticked away.

13 years ago @ The Humble Libertarian - Way to Use Your Time W... · 0 replies · +1 points

I would really like to see the debate Jeopardy style, all the candidates get asked the same question and they have to write it down on a screen. They review and compare the answer of each candidate to the same question. Everyone gets treated equally.

13 years ago @ The Humble Libertarian - Way to Use Your Time W... · 3 replies · +2 points

His constant "mmm mmm mmm yah, mmmm mmm" while the candidates were speaking was really distracting. That whole "this or that" was foolish. And what was the bump music they were playing before going to break? It reminded me of some 80s video arcade game but I couldn't place it. It was like a low industrial hum.

13 years ago @ The Humble Libertarian - Sarah Palin on Ron Pau... · 1 reply · +1 points

So does this mean Ron Paul's fans will stop calling Sarah Palin "an idiot?" (You don't have to want to see her as an elected official, I just don't understand the hatred of her.)

The desktop entry seems to be back to normal, but I didn't try it on my cell phone first.

13 years ago @ The Humble Libertarian - Daniel Ellsberg and th... · 1 reply · +2 points

This has the intense debate comment box, the above (smart phone thread) does not.

13 years ago @ The Humble Libertarian - Florida Cops Use Exces... · 0 replies · +1 points

In Florida and several other states it is against the law to photograph or record the police. It does not give the officers the right to point a gun at anyone, or destroy the evidence of the recording.

13 years ago @ The Humble Libertarian - WikiLeaks\' Julian Ass... · 0 replies · 0 points

I hope he gets it, he will be just like Obama, Kissinger, and Gore! Self righteous pieces of crap who think they are saving the world.

13 years ago @ The Humble Libertarian - Ron Paul Has Best Chan... · 2 replies · -3 points

Great... the Paulbots are out spamming polls just like they did in 2008! Ron Paul won EVERY poll back then also! Yet for some reason he never won a primary. I like Ron Paul but Ron Paul's worst enemy are his supporters.

13 years ago @ The Humble Libertarian - Ron Paul Must Run for ... · 0 replies · +1 points

"The lesser of two evils is still evil."