


7 comments posted · 2 followers · following 5

14 years ago @ Google Android Blog - Droid Incredible avail... · 0 replies · +1 points

I went to the verizon store at like 9:30 and there were a bunch of people getting one. The rep that was helping me I already knew and he said they only had 30 in stock. We have two stores in my town, so I figure there were only 60 total here. If you have been with verizon long enough you can get the instant rebate. I got a incredible and a eris(wife) and on both I was able to get instant rebates. The incredible also came with a 2 gig card off the shelf. He said if I pay $10 I could get the 4 gig.

14 years ago @ AndroidGuys - HTC Incredible Specs C... · 0 replies · +1 points

Since it is internal why cant ya?

14 years ago @ Google Android Blog - Make your ROOTED Andro... · 0 replies · +1 points

@Davest010 that is awesome. When I get either the N1 or the incredible I will have to try it out.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 5/3/09: President Obam... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree lol. The only person I know that has been polled is my Aunt. It was before the election and she told them I am voting for Palin. :)

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 5/3/09: President Obam... · 1 reply · +1 points

I love though how the MSM talks as though 63% has never happened before. All presidents get a good rating a few months in. If people thought for themselves then could see 63% is low, compared to how great people say Obama is. If he is as great as they say then I would think he would at least be in the high 80s. Lets wait and look a year from now and see how good the rating is.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Obama takes entourage ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I thought President Obama knew everything so why does he need a staff of 500+. Well the more I think about it the more I think he should take more people with him.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Card Check Bill Dealt ... · 2 replies · +1 points

About time he grew a spine.