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7 years ago @ WheresObamasBirthCerti... - IF HILLARY GOES DOWN, ... · 0 replies · +1 points

The Kenyan has done far more damage than Hillary and demands criminal prosecution for creating and using false ID with the intent to deceive. What this will take is something other than the spineless republicrats we have now. This last (unconstitutional) CR again finances EVERYTHING on the democrat meal ticket. Ryan who must surely caucus with the democrats gave Nancy Pelosi a wet kiss with this last budget deal and gave all of us the shaft.

Cuts to abortion?, no. Cuts to the criminal EPA? Nope, Cuts to the criminal BLM? No way! Cuts to global warming programs or Obama care now rebranded? No again. How about cuts to aid programs to people that hate us? Not a chance suckers!

We have been bamboozled and again taken for a ride by the global cabal that wafts around Paul Ryan and the democrats. Done with NAFTA? are you kidding? Not in your wildest dreams! NAFTA appears to remain but with some Mothers Chrome Polish.

9 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Sheriff Joe Arpaio Tal... · 0 replies · +1 points

"Really?" That is the extent of your intellectual contribution to a conversation?"You are clearly an obot.

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Filmmaker Joel Gilbert... · 0 replies · +6 points

I don't want Obama impeached---he needs to be indicted for fraud and about a dozen other charges. Although it remains to be seen there really are some politicians who have said they will deliver a prosecution after Arpaio gives his 3rd press conference.

As a sovereign citizen, politicians and politics mean nothing to me. Politics is the poison that infects the freedom of people.

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Report: Sheriff Arpaio... · 0 replies · +30 points

The problem with that is there is no real evidence he was born in Hawaii. No maternity records or photos and how does that square with all the " I was born in Kenya, raised in Hawaii and Indonesia BS?". Either way there is a massive lie with the intent to deceive and the PDF on the White House website remains a forgery as is the draft registration card, social security numbers, questionable real estate holdings etc.

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Col. Dr. Lawrence Sell... · 1 reply · +8 points

The who would include more than one because there has to a cadre of fools helping Obama prop up this massive charade. Every person in every state has been injured by the progress of lies that Obama has proffered. I filed voter fraud charges in 2009 and that was based upon false documents Obama used to get elected. Every state attorney general should be busting Obama for forgery, fraud, and producing false documents with the intent to deceive.

I have no idea what specifically the CCP has or is planning but forgery and fraud is a given.

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Col. Dr. Lawrence Sell... · 3 replies · +20 points

Larry said on WOBC radio a few weeks ago that if these criminal acts are not caged we are institutionalizing criminal behavior in the White House and government. Obama needs to be indicted for voter fraud, perjury, forgery, and manufacturing documents with the intent to deceive. We also need to round up all the dudes and dudetts that have been holding Obama's skirt up while he lied his way into office.

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Bonkers: Media Darling... · 0 replies · +2 points

guest. that is not the case, people are listening and always remember this, Arpaio has been a Federal DEA law Enforcement Officer almost as long as BO has stained this planet.

He has contacts from within you can be sure. I think he is also in charge of the largest Sheriff's office in the nation.
From what I heard Mike is getting cooperation from VIP's and Mike Volin has been sending out requested kits to interesting people. There is a lot going on. Mike Z is not the only investigator and they have to run down more than one important investigation.

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Bonkers: Media Darling... · 0 replies · +2 points

Ed Sunderland will be filling in-we will not be interrupting and try to get to as many calls as we can. Give about 30 minutes for discussion - some questions may be answered there and as you know some folks can be chatty.

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Bonkers: Media Darling... · 1 reply · +5 points

These are points I wrote down while listening to the show. You can call in tomorrow with Q', I had no idea if or when a podcast would be available.

I just want Obama known as, "inmate No. 2066654".

10 years ago @ Birther Report: Obama ... - Bonkers: Media Darling... · 15 replies · +18 points

Thanks William, I had mentioned it was to be on Monday but the time changed. Randy was on Peter Boyles this morning.

1. "this story is huge news that law enforcement has been closing in on the Obama fraud and no one in Washington is listening".
2. Randy did some research for the CCP
3. investigation ramping up
4. media quiet still
5. astonishing tolerance about this fraud
6. this story of fraud answers all questions about Obama's incompetence
7. seems everyone in Washington knows
8. asked staffer why they don't do something, staffer said don't want to look foolish (my view is, they just wait till the truth comes out and we'll see who looks foolish!)
9. Zullo very professional