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6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 1 reply · +5 points

Such a heterosexual exists?
(Casting no aspersions)

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Well it's the Weekend ... · 5 replies · +14 points

Trying to sleep in a hospital. Lovely people but I'd still rather not.

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Keep it Rolling Open T... · 0 replies · +3 points

Zanzi, very much appreciate it. Seems I come here for many things, including comfort. Thank you so much, Crassers. Really helps.

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Keep it Rolling Open T... · 1 reply · +2 points

Thanks RMN.
No dx yet on walking/moving/stamina problems following several mild concussions. Medical opinion varies & all agree it will be quite awhile before they figure it out. Was interesting at first but now just monumental pain.

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Keep it Rolling Open T... · 0 replies · +5 points

Diagrams are good. Thanks.

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6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Keep it Rolling Open T... · 0 replies · +7 points

A little progress: just got a "we need to talk" email from my sister. Does not sound friendly but at least there it is.
Niece will follow her mother's lead.

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6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Keep it Rolling Open T... · 0 replies · +2 points

Colleen, who is a sucker for

Missed connections.
Can't get to you.

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Keep it Rolling Open T... · 2 replies · +1 points

HMU nonfunctional
What am I doing wrong?

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6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Keep it Rolling Open T... · 3 replies · +4 points

Perfectly said. Thank you. Has the advantage of not sounding hostile, which I, regrettably, did. Thank you.

6 years ago @ Crasstalk - Keep it Rolling Open T... · 20 replies · +6 points

Oh, Colleen, how kind of you. Conflicting ideas abt what's what, but the consensus so far is... not good. Some off those subscribing to consensus do so just because they are reading the "working dx" line & give it no further thought (not my imagination...an expert in working dx is the source). Some of those who question working dx are experts in said dx. My sister, who has been a help beyond imagining thinks I am "in denial" because---I dunno? Am not falling apart? The certainty that I am not dealing realistically---nope. Don't need that at every turn. Had to say please don't just show up at any MD app'ts she feels like. Now she won't talk to me, nor will her family including MD niece (daughter of sister) upon whom I was depending and who has adored me (& I her) for 31 years. very strong personalities, each of them. Best ex in Whole Wide World is tired, but still such a champ. Best to your husband. Hope you all find a useful, hopeful road soon.