


12 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ TechCrunch - Publish2 Wants To Disr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Wenalway: I appreciate you wanting to amend the above statement. It does seem like it came from an uncalled for place of anger and offered nothing constructive.

It is possible that Publish2.com will fail. There is more of a plan than what has been presented in the quick Techcrunch disrupt video. Even with that larger plan - it could fail. Most startups do.

But Publish2.com also has the potential to disrupt a system that is otherwise run by one or two companies. That is a monopoly and as a result is no longer competitive.

I'm glad you recognize that calling me names is not relevant and perhaps makes you look bitter and unconstructive.

Let's both move forward.

14 years ago @ TechCrunch - Publish2 Wants To Disr... · 3 replies · +2 points

Been trying to respond to this comment for some time since it attacks me personally. Perhaps because I was trying to include links they didn't come through?.

Just so folks know - try Googleing "Wenalway, Troll" - also search for "Calling Out A Troll, Digidave." Enough of that backstory though. This is not the appropriate place to have a back and forth.

As for my bravado. I wish I could take credit for Publish2.com's ambitions. But they have a bold and dynamic team. It is that team which deserves all the credit. Not me.

14 years ago @ DigiDave | Communicati... - www.digidave.org/adven... · 0 replies · +1 points

Final Update: Evie used a fake email address so I can't even send her an email to find out where she got her information.

If there is one thing I hate is when somebody is critical on the internet and then stays anonymous. It is cowardly.

14 years ago @ DigiDave | Communicati... - www.digidave.org/adven... · 0 replies · +1 points

I've replied to you twice now (see below).

Your first comment was ignorant. Your second comment was rude:

2. Check this wikipedia article out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_style#Lead_or_i...

If your response is going to be "are you going to believe wikipedia" my answer is: Over you.... yes!

14 years ago @ DigiDave | Communicati... - www.digidave.org/adven... · 0 replies · +1 points

Evie: I spent .05 seconds and googled "Lede" - you know what came up: The New York Times blog "The Lede"


Up next on google was this wikipedia page (see the last sentence of the first paragraph): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead_paragraph


14 years ago @ DigiDave | Communicati... - www.digidave.org/adven... · 0 replies · +1 points

No. Iti s actually spelled lede. Lede lede lede lede. Did you actually read the post?

15 years ago @ The Point Blog - The Point Moves Offices · 0 replies · +1 points

Congrats to the folks at The Point.

Andrew - if you are reading this. Don't forget to hire me later!

15 years ago @ DigiDave | Communicati... - How to Build Your Own ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think one of our problems right now is that we sit and talk too much. I know a lot of journos who spend time lamenting instead of doing.

Also.... you rock hard and as I say: HMWV was a HUGE inspiration. You are the original do'er in my book.

15 years ago @ Obie Fernandez - Top Ten Attributes of ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ahhh shucks. You guys rock!!!

Spot.Us wouldn't be where it is without you.....

15 years ago @ Obie Fernandez - Testing IntenseDebate ... · 1 reply · +1 points

I want one for my blog! I HATE Typepad's comment system.