David Wierzbicki

David Wierzbicki


10 comments posted · 1 followers · following 2

14 years ago @ novus•lumen - Brian McLaren's "New K... · 0 replies · -1 points

Jeremy, your writing is extremely reactionary. I don't believe you do much justice to the discussion by flat-out declaring Brian's wrongness of interpretation. You characterize his views as disregarding Christ's judgement and pitching it in the bin. You are entitled to your opinions and i understand you are angry, but come on. Brian doesn't at all 'delete' Christ's judgement. A sword coming out of his mouth is still a sword. Blood shed is still blood shed. Of course there is judgement in Brian's view of the revelation Christ, it just isn't your view, I guess. I wish you would be more honest about the imperfections of all our interpretations. There is no absolute Christian doctrine and I think you are very unfair to try to hold Brian up to such. We all have interpretations. The best reason for yours or mine or Brian's being true is how well it promotes things like love and grace and mercy and justice. I know my views are wrong on many levels while I don't know precisely where they are wrong; however, I hope than even when I am wrong I can still be fair and loving. That is a critique of myself, by the way, not you.

I love your passion, but stop reading your own presuppositions into the perceived absences between Brian's words.

14 years ago @ Emergent Outliers - Book Club Meeting, Redux · 0 replies · +1 points

I believe I am good for either.

15 years ago @ gathering in light - Baby Daniels #2 Is On ... · 1 reply · +1 points

congrats! so awesome! our first is due mid november. we heard the wee one's heartbeat for the first time on monday. made my head spin!

15 years ago @ parables of a prodigal... - Ten Shekels and a Shir... · 0 replies · +1 points

thanks for sharing this portion of your story raffi. my own development is so similar. i swear i used to even give off a smell of superior righteousness.. sort of smelled like overpowering, chemical-y fabric softener.. i think.

15 years ago @ Trying to follow - Quick Question About C... · 1 reply · +1 points

i find intensedebate to be quite a sweet system. i used something similar about a year ago, but got scared off it by the lack of critical mass.. but it seems we are there now.

15 years ago @ (Ir)religiosity - Spring Break... · 0 replies · +1 points

healthy stack. how's it going?

15 years ago @ gathering in light - A Much Needed Re-Organ... · 1 reply · +2 points

oh dear... this was just ahead of you in my feed reader... hehe :)


15 years ago @ Pat Dryburgh - Charts · 1 reply · +1 points

clearly this graph does not measure coolness on the retro-ironic scale. otherwise you would see walk(men?) skyrocket beyond all competitors around about 2005

15 years ago @ (Ir)religiosity - Best Mac v. PC Video..... · 0 replies · +1 points

ha! incredible.

15 years ago @ gathering in light - Gathering In Light: 3r... · 2 replies · +2 points

very nice. this colour scheme gives away your latitude.