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5 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - Kavanaugh's reputation... · 0 replies · +1 points

Others are blaming Harry Reid, as well: https://freebeacon.com/politics/former-clinton-ai...

5 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - Kavanaugh's reputation... · 0 replies · +1 points

"he will forever be “the guy Trump nominated to fend off his impeachment”; one of his senate interlocutors wisely said “you will always have an asterisk next to your name”, which is right except that the asterisk will be an indelible and devastating blot."
I'm not convinced the milk in his chalice is curdled, Mike - it has maybe gone to buttermilk. The closest analog is probably Thomas, who has had a long career on the Court and substantial influence. The left remembers his hearings, but I think his life goes okay. And Thomas had trouble because of claims about his personal conduct, where no one has made claims against Kavanaugh's probity. Certainly if he pulled out after having been announced he'd be another Carswell, so he had no better path to take than forward.

5 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - Kavanaugh's reputation... · 1 reply · +1 points

As Mitch McConnell said in 2013 when the Dems took away the supermajority requirement, "You will regret this, and probably sooner than you expect" https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=mcconnell+yo...
So - blame Harry Reid, or at least I do.

6 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - Language gaps, extensi... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm going to recommend mokita: https://www.lingholic.com/15-untranslatable-words...
From the same list, a truly wonderful word, but not needed in the instant case: eomchina!

6 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - The Red Hen, the baker... · 1 reply · +2 points

Mitch, clearly our views differ. but on 'What is it exactly that we need to be worried about the Republicans doing that they’ve resisted doing thus far out of a sense of restraint?' - I think we can clearly worry about recruiting MORE Reeps to do things which only SOME Reeps have been doing up to now.

6 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - The Red Hen, the baker... · 5 replies · +1 points

Seems to me there are two questions which someone not fond of Trump might consider: is shunning justified? and will shunning result in greater likelihood of removing the Orange Crusher from public life never to return? My preferred question is behind door number two, and I think the answer is no. You are also addressing the question behind door two, and you are suggesting maybe yes. Several of the folks here are focused on the door one question, and that ('you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar') seems imprudent to me.

6 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - The Red Hen, the baker... · 8 replies · +2 points

Well, Mike, I will associate myself with Nancy and Chuck, while you have associated yourself with Maxine... I think it's not smart to feed grievance on the part of the Trumpistas, and this does that.
I don't think this kind of antics on the part of the left contribute to any kind of reconciliation.

6 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - From British Prime Min... · 0 replies · +3 points

Some stories are true, and some just ought to be true.. but this one has been told by Tony Blair, so it must be right. Right after his defeat, Churchill went in to the trough urinal in the House of Commons, and there was Atlee. Churchill went way down to the end, at which point Atlee said, "Shy, Winston?" and Churchill said, "Clement, in my experience if you see something which is large and works well, you try and nationalize it".
Atlee's quotes are not as good as Churchill's. He is remembered for: "I just love Chinese food. My favourite dish is number 27."

6 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - From British Prime Min... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, first, view this series of photos: http://www.afterimagegallery.com/nytjohnson.htm
Then, remember that he called his penis 'Jumbo'
Then, there is the story of his calling in the French ambassador to lecture him while he was taking a shit, and the ambassador gave him whatever the Hell he wanted.
This was a man with talent!

6 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - My Favorite Roger Bann... · 0 replies · +3 points

Now THAT's a humblebrag!