


11 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 185 - Anesidora · 0 replies · +1 points

Wow...never thought of that... it is now time to ponder the possibilities

15 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 180 - Projectiles · 2 replies · +1 points

pretty cool, i like the effect with the fuel rod cannon :-D

15 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 179 - Ripple in the St... · 0 replies · +1 points

probably, Since paycheck was a visual type of device it was based on the laws of light bending around a sphere and you can't really do that across space. They could just use a super computer that you could input the amount of variances by a persons actions which would be astronomical, and then supply your own data which you could technically get very close estimations about your plans. Which would give Feral the upperhand in most fights but yet there is still enough room for variance to occur. and since he split himself up he can have one watching this "Data Stream" and telling the other two what to do and where to go. Which would have helped him tremendously. sorry for the long comment

15 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 179 - Ripple in the St... · 0 replies · +1 points

lol "besides" always a very bad word to say

15 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 179 - Ripple in the St... · 5 replies · +2 points

Hmmm, a "paycheck" like device, interesting now i see how their planning has gone so smoothly

15 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 178 - Unrest and Apostate · 6 replies · +1 points

K now I am confused a Tiny Bit... Would you care to enlighten the followers of your path
Great One?

15 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 177 - New Tactics · 0 replies · +1 points

Hmm, I enjoy these discussions :-D well I shall just wait till the next Comic gets posted

15 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 177 - New Tactics · 2 replies · +1 points

waiting is no fun :-(
but you said that once calvacade are bonded then they can't be separated,
but if they can pull power from slipspace, then they should be able to pull more power from slipspace once they are melded in "realspace", which would make them far more powerful together than separate. Now perhaps the empty shatterbox would allow for the melding of the slipspace junctions as well, which would make them far more powerful than any previous state of melding in realspace

15 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 177 - New Tactics · 3 replies · +1 points

LOL i love the update :-D Brilliant

15 years ago @ Reclaimer - A Halo 3 C... - 177 - New Tactics · 1 reply · +1 points

Right, so they then would become like say... parallel computers hooked together with physical links to transfer communications but then their cores would remain separate and wouldn't meld together...I see