


101 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

7 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Backstage News on Earl... · 0 replies · +49 points

I thought beating HHH in the main event last year was supposed to be his "big coronation"? It's laughable to think he could be the next John Cena, he doesn't have a fraction of Cena's charisma or ability on the mic.

7 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

1. The Rock
2. Roddy Piper
3. D-X
4. Paul Bearer
5. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts

1. Hulk Hogan vs The Rock (Wrestlemania X-8)
2. CM Punk v John Cena (Money in the Bank 2011)

7 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Former WWE Star at Liv... · 0 replies · +6 points

He wasn't, he was at a live event for Smackdown. But I agree, really talented guy just needs something to get the fans invested in him.

7 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Eddie Guerrero
Booker T
Hart Foundation
Jake the Snake Roberts
Edge & Christrian vs Hardy Boyz vs Dudley Boyz - Wrestlemania 17
CM Punk vs John Cena - Money in the Bank 2011

8 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Backstage Talk on Eva ... · 0 replies · +6 points

No, the article is just stating a fact, that Nikki Bella has not defended her title since July 4th. And I don't see where you're coming from with the comparisons to Rollins and the IC title. Like you've said, Rollins has defended his title at every PPV since he won it, which is the minimum expected of a champion, unlike Nikki Bella who didn't even defend her title at either Battleground or Summerslam despite competing at both PPVs. Moreover, the IC title was only not being defended, again like you said, due to the champion being injured. Nikki Bella has been available and competing in matches since July 4th so, unlike the IC champion, she doesn't have a legitimate excuse for not defending her championship.

Also, this criticism isn't just exclusive to Nikki, when Ambrose was US champ and barely defended he got the same criticism. And part of the reason for the criticism is that, whatever good intentions there may be for the Divas Revolution, the NXT divas were most likely called up to take attention from the fact that Nikki 1) isn't defending her title as often as the other champions, and 2) they want her to pass (or at least tie) AJ's record.

9 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Why Cesaro vs. Cena Wa... · 0 replies · +6 points

That's what I thought. Why would Cesaro have a band around his middle finger?

9 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - John Cena Suffers Inju... · 0 replies · +32 points

Haha you know its bad when a guy called 'Periodblood69' is able to take the moral high ground

9 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Steve Austin Discusses... · 0 replies · +5 points

True, I just find it funny that Cena had such a problem with Reks' Burning Hammer when the AA was a deliberate rip-off of the F5

9 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Steve Austin Discusses... · 9 replies · +25 points

I doubt it he would be, I remember when Tyler Reks got released he said Cena stopped him from using his old finishing maneuver because he thought it was similar to the AA.

9 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Brock Lesnar\'s WWE Fu... · 0 replies · +1 points

Awesome! More time for feuds like Orton-Lesnar and DB-Lesnar