


41 comments posted · 1 followers · following 3

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'Paranoid Elements Thi... · 0 replies · +2 points

Thank you, John, for linking to my piece at Sam Karnick's "The American Culture." I hate to be a stickler for details but my last name is spelled with 'C' not a 'K'.

BTW, I think John's post alerted Mr. Wright to what I wrote, which led to an interesting exchange between the two of us in the comments at TAC. While I think he is wrong about the industry's push for left-wing conformity and its desire to pursue influence over entertainment, we do agree that more voices should be heard in the Cultural Influence Professions rather than less. That is something the Entertainment-Industrial Complex does everything it can to avoid.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Joe Klein on 'Avatar':... · 1 reply · +2 points

After reading your comment I started thinking about a story. What do you think of a collaboration? Drop me a line dpcrandall - at - gmail - dot - com

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Joe Klein on 'Avatar':... · 8 replies · +8 points

Some should snatch Cameron, and drop him in the middle of the Australian outback with nothing but a loin cloth, knife, ancient long bow, and a bundle of arrows and see how long he survives. Hollywood could turn it into the next Survivor series. No Blackberry. No internet. No fossil fuel powered vehicles to shuttle him from celebratory event to celebratory event.

Let's see how long Cameron stands around worshiping nature when a salt water croc is dragging that flabby lib's butt into the swamp.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - LA Times: 'The People ... · 1 reply · +5 points

I'm not at all surprised of this, especially after watching this 8 and a half minute video promoting Zinn's graphic novel "The People's History of American Empire" narrated by Viggo Mortenson. It's disgusting that these Hollywood ninnies mouth platitudes about the Greatest Generation and the war they fought against Nazi totalitarianism, then those imbecilic thespians go and embrace a guy who cannot distinguish between his fellow WWII era GI's and the goose-stepping Gestapo they fought against.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Latest NEA Controversy... · 0 replies · +2 points

"The right does not have to do anything." Brilliant... why didn't I think of that. Because for people who care about America's foundational values "not doing anything" - ignore the culture - attitude has been such a boon to the Culture over the past 50+ years.

Where, exactly, has "not doing anything" been a successful strategy for anything? Should we do nothing about the war against Islamo-Nazism? If you read what I write as a call for conservatives to use gov't money to fund the arts, then I implore you to get your mind out of the political gutter. There is much more to life than politics. Imagine what the arts world might be if a fraction of the millions conservatives have funneled into AEI, Heritage, or CATO were used instead to fund arts institutions or to support filmmakers, writers, and others.

Instead, to many conservatives take this head-in-the-sand attitude that the Cultural Influence Professions can be ignored. If that is the tack you want to take, then don't complain about what you get vis a vis politics. Politics follows culture.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Latest NEA Controversy... · 2 replies · +1 points

This post should be a reminder to its readers, especially those who long for a culture that promotes liberty and personal responsibility in America, where the Right went wrong in the so-called culture war. The NEA has long been an institution where the Left and the Right have, in a manner of speaking, exchanged blows in the battle of ideas. But it was a lopsided battle: The Left produced the art, and the Right produced speeches. That would be tantamount to Democrats passing legislation in response to which the Republicans wrote policy papers, but refused to produce alternative legislation.

Rather than, or at the very least in addition to, attacking Serrano's, Maplethorpe's, et al work conservatives, libertarians, and anyone else who honors this nation's foundational values should have been hard at work funding and creating alternatives. Instead the Right dug into an ideological position from which it attacked the NEA and the work it was funding. This not only allowed people on the Right to be characterized as people who don't care about or are ignorant of the arts, when the truth is far different.

Furthermore, young people who may have a passion for the arts and who also love the classical liberal ideas upon which America was founded were not supported in pursuing their passion. If, on the other hand, these young people wanted to pursue careers in public policy they found plenty of support and encouragement. All these years, folks who could have been making a difference in what The Culture Alliance refers to as the Cultural Influence Professions, i.e, arts, entertainment, education and journalism, were instead focusing their energies on attacking these professions.

The result has been a culture that moved further and further left until it reached the point were it literally stood up and applauded when a radical leftist, with little experience, ran for and became America's 44th president.

The solution to this is not to continue to remain on the attack. The solution is to support organizations that encourage and assist those who want to produce art and entertainment, who want to teach, who want to provide real journalism, and who also find value in a culture of liberty and personal responsibility. The Right must produce real alternatives in the arts and entertainment, not alternatives that simply promote a rival ideology to the leftist ideology the culture currently swims in. It must be an alternative the exposes the reality beneath the ideology. When the Right starts doing that, then the culture may once again be a place where America's foundational ideas are supported not held up for ridicule and disdain.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Barack Obama on Letterman · 0 replies · +1 points

Just once I'd like to hear a Obama (D) react as strongly to the racist and ignorant blathering coming from his own Party, which he is the head of - I might add, with the same forcefulness and directness he directed at the millions of Americans who peaceably assembled in Washington DC, and throughout the nation, on Sept. 12. The comment quoted here is nothing but the President attempting to create space between himself and the foolish ex-peanut farmer from Georgia without actually distancing himself from the sentiment expressed.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Michael Moore: Artists... · 0 replies · +1 points

How is it that Michael Moore understands what so much of the conservative movement seems to deny. Why aren't those who value liberty and personal responsibility building an organization that will work to get young people into the cultural influence professions?

Actually, such an organization is being built. It is The Culture Alliance. I am its volunteer Director of Campus Programs, so, yes, I have a vested interest in promoting it. In addition to my own personal interest in the organization, I have as strong an interest in building a culture that promotes liberty and personal responsibility.

I hope that those who stumble on my comment will go to TCA's website and become a member. It's free and you'll get TCA's Weekly Updates, which I also produce.

We can do more than complain about the leftist domination of cultural influence professions. We can help and encourage young people who honor America's foundational values to get into the arts, entertainment, education and journalism. We have to start that work today.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Tea Parties: Protestin... · 0 replies · +1 points

I stand corrected. So is Beck in DC?

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Tea Parties: Protestin... · 4 replies · +1 points

I'm kind of confused about something. Glenn Beck has been pushing the 912 March on Washington for months. And when it happens he goes to Illinois?