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14 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - America is NOT a Chris... · 0 replies · +3 points

No matter what they say, just continue to demand some sort of legal citation. Continue to ask for something that is legally binding or can be cited as precedent in a court of law. Unless the founding fathers wrote some work of legislation that can be cited as precedent or is considered binding in court, then they literally did nothing concrete or substantial to establish a Christian nation. If the makers of law did not make any laws, then they did nothing. It is really that simple.

14 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - America is NOT a Chris... · 0 replies · +2 points

At some point, your adversary may wish to posit that the founders were all Christian men and did not see that it was necessary to put it down in writing that which was self evident. Basically, your opponent is arguing that the founding fathers attempted to create a Christian nation and failed. Again, don’t waste time debating the validity of their statement. In law, authorial intent is irrelevant. The only thing that is relevant is that which is written down in law.

At some point, they might want to quibble over the language used in the Establishment Clause. I advise a shrug. Simply point out that some of the greatest legal minds in the United States of America have studied the pertinent sections of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights extensively. They don’t agree with this radical reading of the law. These great legal minds don’t support the idea of the United States of America as a Christian Nation.

14 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - America is NOT a Chris... · 0 replies · +3 points

Politely listen to their answer. You may have to press for an answer. Just refuse to engage with them until they define their position. Most of those who promote the idea that the United States of America was founded upon Christian values or principals have not really thought about it too much. Be patient, but firm.

Once they finish answering, ask them why the founding fathers did not draft any legislation or make any proclamation that could either be cited as precedent or would be binding in a court of law to support their interpretation of the United States of America as a Christian nation. At this point, you are demanding that they present legal citation for their position.

It does not matter what answer they gave to your first question. Whatever it is, it is a ridiculously safe bet that it is not supported by anything legally binding. Politely listen as they cite the Declaration of Independence and quotes from the founding fathers out of context. Don’t waste time debating the validity of the statement. Simply remind them that none of these things are legally binding and none of them can be cited as precedent in a court of law.

14 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - America is NOT a Chris... · 1 reply · +4 points

I have figured out the most effective way to respond to those who claim that the United States of America is a Christian nation. I have worked it down to two steps. Ask for clarification, and then demand citation. It is really that simple.

After the statement is made, ask them to please clarify their position. Ask them to explain what exactly being a Christian nation entails? They are the ones making the extreme claim, so allow them to define the terms. If they argue that these elusive principals are beyond definition, then remind them that anything that is so ephemeral and insubstantial that it defies definition is ultimately meaningless.