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12 years ago @ | Eyewitness ... - Police incident under ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Let me guess ......... The cops nearly beat him to death and a witness has come forward ?

13 years ago @ | Eyewitness ... - 3 injured in Dartmouth... · 0 replies · +1 points

This Brown Family fued has been going on for years. It makes the Hatfeilds and McCoys look like novices.

13 years ago @ | Eyewitness ... - Police brutality case ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I can't help but notice the accused officers face in the photo. He has that sheepish lil' boy look and appears ready to bawl at any moment. Just curious as to what facial expression he wore while kicking the crap out of the perp.I have little sympathy for either of them but for this officer and many just like him ... it's long past the time they got a taste of justice too! This brutality happens each and every day across this nation and if the culprit is resisting I have little problem with the police doing what they have to do to get the person under control but far too often you see someone who has unequivocally submitted to the officer suffer a brutal beating at the hands of the cop in question. That should never be tolerated.

13 years ago @ | Eyewitness ... - RIPTA GM Set To Retire... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yet another RI crook gets to walk with a taxpayer funded pension. Nothing new for this pig hole state!

13 years ago @ | Eyewitness ... - Retirees collecting di... · 0 replies · +1 points

" I think people don't really understand the physical demands that the job has" This is quintessential BS coming from Doughty. If one would just take the time to research all the incidents where reports of injuries to firefighters have occurred by looking at past projo articles filed contemporaneously with the actual event, you would be amazed at how few claims were filed by those same firemen. They all wait a while and get their ducks in a row and file at a later date after having found a physician sympathetic to their claim. It's the oldest scam in the city. 258 on the job injuries? Where is OSHA, where have the union leaders been if there is such a scourge of injuries amongst the ranks. I would have thought you would see them all on TV at one time or another bemoaning the terrible working conditions that have led to so many injuries. This is just more of the same. "Let me get mine too because so and so is getting his! Outright fraud is being committed against the city and it's time to wake up. $29,000,000 a year? disgraceful!

13 years ago @ | Eyewitness ... - Retirees collecting di... · 0 replies · +1 points

Undoubtably one of the longest running scams in the City if not the state. The Providence Police are just as bad. It seems the city has been powerless to stop the abuse too. I do hope that the Tavares administration brings this issue front and center to the citizens of the city, gets the support of the voters and puts an end to this thievery. I'd be curious to see how many of these disability recipients have a " second" job too. If caught, they all should be prosecuted. A good place to start would be the city council where Wilbur Jennings has both hands in the pie. Although his situation appears to legal, it highlights the problem with current laws and regulations that end up costing the already overtaxed citizens of the city, hundreds of thousands of dollars. Time for someone to step up to the plate and call these crooks out!

13 years ago @ | Eyewitness ... - RIPTA GM to make good ... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is an example of why the Mafia are getting out of Lil' Rhody. There are so many corrupt public officials the competition is staggering for them Fuhgedabouddit ! Nothing left to steal.

13 years ago @ | Eyewitness ... - RIPTA GM to make good ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Wow, what a sport! what a stink !!! What a full of crap thief who got caught ! The guy should be fired and prosecuted for fraud. John or Jane Q. would be thrown to the lions but if you are a state official, " Whoops" accompanied by a wink will do just fine. Add him to the long list of Rhode Islands finest! ( if you can find any room on the page of notables.

13 years ago @ | Eyewitness ... - Providence schools cut... · 0 replies · +1 points

Why just the Jewish holidays and not the rest ? Seems discriminatory to me! Get rid of them all! Seems that there is implicit sanctioning of religion by local government.

13 years ago @ | Eyewitness ... - Providence schools cut... · 0 replies · +1 points

The school depart should not do away with the holiday UNLESS they get rid of all religious holidays. Why has this practice been allowed to go on for so many years? Taxpayers subsidize education and that being the case we expect the kids to be in class! The time has long since past to eliminate these "Holy Days"