


79 comments posted · 187 followers · following 1

8 years ago @ Andys MSVideoDiary - Scrounger, get a job! · 0 replies · +1 points

aww thanks Sherry, I am so happy to be of help to anyone who watches my videos and it's really nice to hear they are well received by nice people like you
My recent post battery mishap.. time to go to Argos

8 years ago @ Andys MSVideoDiary - Scrounger, get a job! · 0 replies · +1 points

thanks a lot Martine! and good luck with your wacky MS! :)
My recent post The Mind

11 years ago @ Single Black Male - Why can't HE just be m... · 0 replies · +1 points

so sorry, just here to check commentluv
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11 years ago @ Austin Copywriter Blog - The Case for Telecommu... · 1 reply · +1 points

test comment to see commentluv
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12 years ago @ http://www.peanutbutte... - Wholesale Halloween Re... · 0 replies · +1 points

wow what a great costume! in my day I'd have had to make one out of an old carpet!
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12 years ago @ IntenseDebate Blog - Give a little luv to y... · 0 replies · +3 points

Sorry, the iPad doesn't deal with textareas very well! I meant the first paragraph to say that commentluv premium features require you to add settings that cannot be communicated to the intense debate comments system so things like social enticements and other features cannot be included

12 years ago @ IntenseDebate Blog - Give a little luv to y... · 0 replies · +3 points

Hi Phil,
The premium version is primarily for the native comments system as it adds features that Require you to add your own settings which communicated to intense debate on your blog.

You do get other options that you can take advantage of if you have premium and intense debate like having 10 posts to choose from plus 5 of your favourite posts or pages available to leave with your comment on any blog that has commentluv.

You also get a guaranteed listing on the commentluv search engine as long as you
have premium activated on your site.

You also get to specify your own info panel content which is shown on any commentluv blog that you have left a comment on but if you don't want to take advantage of those things then feel free to ask for a full refund by submitting a support ticket at

12 years ago @ Tips and Tricks | Revi... - How to Get CommentLuv ... · 1 reply · +1 points

great tutorial! I'll let others know about this so they can get commentluv on blogger too!
My recent post Buy CommentLuv Premium

12 years ago @ Welcome - Pete Karl |... - Remove undefined and e... · 0 replies · +1 points

bravo! just used it and saved myself some bother. thanks

13 years ago @ Frank Dickinson - 5 Kickass WordPress Pl... · 1 reply · +1 points

Thanks for the mention Frank! The prerelease version is no longer available, it did it's job to get me some great feedback and now I'm ready to release it to the world within the next few weeks, keep an eye on the site for my pre launch videos!
My recent post The CommentLuv Plugin v29 Intro Video