13p9 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0
9 years ago @ Writing Down the jones - It's Not Real · 0 replies · +1 points
9 years ago @ Writing Down the jones - This Is (One of Many R... · 0 replies · +1 points
With the new rules requiring anything called "broadband" to be at least 25Mbps, faster speeds are coming for everyone. So you will get some push. But you're looking at this like your site, because it isn't a big company, is going to have it's bandwidth/speed cut. It wouldn't. It would be just as fast as everything else is now. Those few big companies would get more speed, but you wouldn't get less. You'd be right where you are now.
So yeah, you'd wait a few years for those speed benefits from the shared hosting, but that's a bonus - an add on to what you have now, subsidized by those big companies. But now those subsidies are not a possibility. So that speed boost is going to take a whole lot longer.
Think of it like a car: The only car available is a bare bones Chevy Cruze. They get better over time, but it takes forever, because innovation is expensive. So someone suggests making Caddys, and selling them to rich people. That way, they pay for the development of new tech, and when that development gets cheap, it'll get added to the Cruze. Development happens faster, and it gets subsidized by rich folk.
NOOOOOO!!!! They can't have a Caddy if I'm stuck with this Cruze! It'll take years for me to have access to that new tech, and I'm not sure it's worth it. Everyone should just have to have the Cruze, and get the new developments together.
You've literally gained nothing, except the comfort of knowing that everyone's car is as mediocre as yours...and will stay that way.
10 years ago @ Writing Down the jones - WaPo Wants You to Know... · 0 replies · +1 points
13 years ago @ Writing Down the jones - Math or English? · 0 replies · +1 points
So, my first reaction to your second paragraph was, "Hey! What's wrong with video games!" I may have an inappropriate relationship with my XBox.
You're right, though; kids are being acculturated into a media environment that is wholly electronic. It's centered around TV, gaming, and computers, which each carry a message that opposes the message carried by the book. I'd recommend Postman's Teaching as a Conserving Activity. It's much less popular than Teaching as a Subversive Activity, but also much better. He discusses the media environment, and how it affects schooling in particular, but with implications for language and reading.
Thanks for the thoughts, and you'll see me soon, I'm sure!
15 years ago @ LayGuy - Digital Gospel Fix · 2 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ Human3rror - So, I Wanna Get a Came... · 2 replies · +1 points
And you don't need a brand new model...a 3-year-old DSLR design will still produce great results.
16 years ago @ Human3rror - Will You Listen? Will ... · 2 replies · +1 points
Do you think his election has caused more anxiety and discord than Bush 41, Clinton, or Bush 43?
16 years ago @ Tony Steward:. Blog - Good Really is the Ene... · 0 replies · +1 points
The things you describe as quiet "greatness", I would call good. Not "just good", mind you, but as in the good. But that's the thing...I call them good. What do we consider great? If we don't share a definition, can we really talk about this?
I don't say this simply to be contrary, but greatness, by its nature, can't be small. Neither can it be in the context of Tony's post. Small is good, but great is not small. "The great things are audacious. The great things have tons of risk." Those aren't small things.
I want to be clear that I'm not belittling the things you mentioned. I doubt I would qualify for your list, based on my own activities. But is that the "great" that we're talking about here?
To me, greatness is high achievement in the face of great odds, at a level that outdistances all other achievement in the same arena.
16 years ago @ Tony Steward:. Blog - Good Really is the Ene... · 0 replies · +1 points
In A Beautiful Mind, Nash skips classes, doesn't do assignments, and barely studies because he's in search of one "original" idea. He was looking for greatness in a single bound. He eventually found it, but the cost may have been great. Was it his isolation that brought out his psychological issues? Might he have been able to hold them back if he had built up to greatness while pursuing goodness and caring for himself? I don't really know. But I think about it.
In my mind to do something great you have to think in ways others don't, and execute in ways they're afraid to. Sure, greatness in athletics or music stem from singular focus, but in other venues it more often comes from a synergy of knowledge, skill, and experience. Being "jack of all trades, master of none" may not get you far in any particular industry, but it could provide you with experience and understanding that others lack. All of those "good" things could transform you into the person you need to be to achieve greatness.