


72 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0

8 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Is \"The Lion Guard\" ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I showed this to my dad and he laughed and said it got a cutie mark XD BUT being serious this show looks horrible.

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Mentally Advanced Seri... · 0 replies · +2 points

Like rarity, she's the element of... Rarity and she's got a ton of freinds

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Equestria Girls Canter... · 2 replies · +2 points

Rainbow ... And sunset? But why ._.

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Episode 100 - Slice of... · 4 replies · +4 points

Did no one see the changeling? I mean those kids did...

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Nightly Roundup #1190 · 0 replies · +2 points

Do you even know what you just said?!
So true

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - More Images of Rainbow... · 0 replies · +3 points

Hmm I never thought I'd compliment hasbro, they made a cute toy

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - New Clip of \"Appleoos... · 0 replies · +3 points

"Y'all aren't leaving mah sight..." And there gone

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Wut? - Twilight Sparkl... · 0 replies · +2 points

What.... Why... Why does this exist

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Daring Do Joins Power ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Daring do? Where?...

9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - (Rumor) A Questionable... · 0 replies · +1 points

My little dragons my little dragons ahhhhhhh-
Know with princess spike