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15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: "I did it... · 0 replies · -4 points

Now you are hysterical.

You have no idea how ridiculous you sound.

Actions English. Not words. Compassion for evil. Psychopaths. Thugs.

You are a very distubed person. You keep drinking that kool-aid and telling yourself whatever you want.

Then count the bodies.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: "I did it... · 0 replies · -3 points

You all should send John Yoo a nice 4th of July greeting.
He added to your freedoms.

Freedom to torture.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: "I did it... · 3 replies · -2 points

Enemy combatants don't fall under the Rules of Engagement. So you Commander In Chief said it was OK to detain them indefinitely, send them to obscure foreign prisons and torture them to death.

And that is EXACTLY what you did.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: "I did it... · 0 replies · -3 points

It is an open secret that neocon ideology framed and led the Bush Administration and it is obvious where neocon loyalties lie. Did it help America at the end of the day? Absolutely not. It practically destroyed America. Who has one less enemy to worry about?

Well, the answers are clear, everyone knows. Neocons look at american as idiots to be plundered. People who can be told stupid lies, sent to war happy and coming back in body bags as heros who fought a BS, unnecessary war.

Happy 4th of July America.
You've been had!

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: "I did it... · 0 replies · -2 points

Post 9-11, Bush had the sympathy of the world and a blank check to go and bring Taliban to justice. What followed in the next 8 years was something so bizarre and unAmerican, one had to see how it was possible that TRILLIONS of Dollars and THOUSANDS of lives have been squandered and nothing had changed.

The Taliban are still in power in some parts of Afghanistan and a needless war was fought in Iraq which had nothing to do with 9-11.

This insanity of course should have a very specific logic to it. Someone surely knew what they were doing and everyone else followed orders. Did Bush communicate this to the American people as is his charge and duty? Of course not.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: "I did it... · 0 replies · -3 points

OK. Let me see if I can raise my grade.

I am concerned that Americans are paying for and dying, making huge sacrifices in a proxy war that is really between Israel and their neighbors.

Rational people will not be moved to kill others unless there is fear, threat and xenophobic dread of others. That is what sites like this are all about. In the 1950's, if the internet existed, Robert would probably be running COMMIE WATCH and you would all be busy chanting and bowing and gyrating about the evils of common ownership and the advancement of the Marxists who want to take away your freedoms. The CommieThreat! Just like his ridiculous 4th of July lead today. Muslims want to take over America. LOL. Sure Robert, whatever you say.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: "I did it... · 3 replies · -6 points

I am gonna do you one small favor and then I am going to ignore you because you are not interesting.

Realize, O' Nabi e wullah, that insulting someone's religion is demeaning to you, not me.

I know you are ignorant of the character of Prophet Mohammad and his legacy. You don't know and you dance like a moronic puppet everytime you spew.

So dance. It bother me none.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: "I did it... · 0 replies · -7 points

Why do you bleed America dry with your problems?

So smart.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: "I did it... · 6 replies · -5 points

Maneuver is spelled correctly. I used than instread of then.

I love this argument. Israel is superior for all the nobel prizes 'cause we are so smart. OK, fine. Let's assume that Nobel committee is a level field and there are no politics involved....and it is not a western standard for superior intellect. (Imagine that there was a Al-Akbar prize for Academics and Science from Saudi Arabia that judged the world's scientists, artists and so forth...whatever....)

So, confessing to you that Jews are a pretty damn smart and resourceful people...tell me...Why? Why? Why?

Is it more fun to live in a meat grinder where you have to massacre people, civilians to "survive?" Is it more stimulating to live in constant fear and terror where the whole a majority of the world despises you for your oppresive regime and tactics?

Let me ask? Are you not SMART ENOUGH? Huh? Not smart enough to bring a few stinky Arabs under control and make a peace that will atleast keep them quiet while you prosper?

Tell me Israel, tell me why? You are so smart? Why can't you handle the situation?

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: "I did it... · 5 replies · -5 points

It really doesn't require much argument. The Basij guy is wrestling with his conscience. He feels he has been unjustly been ordered to kill people.

Look at the statistics for the American soldiers. Thousands of psych patients on meds. Suicides. Soldiers murdering each other and others. Number that are 10 or 100x what is going on in Iran.

How many links can I give you. How about the one soldier who murdered five of his own for starters?

You harp on an death here or there. Hah!
It was a daily thing in Iraq for YEARS, you goon!