


48 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Big Government - NFL Open Thread · 34 replies · -18 points

Hello everyone. I am personally an Eagles an myself.

I also did catch some of "the speech." I liked the part where Obama wants to cut the payroll taxes for small businesses to promote hiring. That sounds like it will really help those small business job creators. I look forward to hearing the GOP support of that part at least, since it is a page straight out of their playbook.

12 years ago @ Big Government - The Tea Party is Dead.... · 12 replies · -36 points

Really. Which party walked out of the debt talks? Which party is literally unwilling to budge on certain issues?

Your anger is scary, I am disappointed someone can get so angry even while they are being fed lies.

12 years ago @ Big Government - The Tea Party is Dead.... · 21 replies · -71 points

OH wow, some dude literally compared Pell Grans to welfare.

Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.) has compared Pell Grants to “welfare”.

"So you can go to college on Pell Grants — maybe I should not be telling anybody this because it’s turning out to be the welfare of the 21st century," Rehberg told Blog Talk Radio in April. "You can go to school, collect your Pell Grants, get food stamps, low-income energy assistance, Section 8 housing, and all of a sudden we find ourselves subsidizing people that don’t have to graduate from college.”

Jesus isnt that crazy?

12 years ago @ Big Government - White House Celebrates... · 7 replies · -13 points

Yeah Obamacare is a disaster. So much extra crap was stuck in that it's nothing close to true UHC, it's nothing near Obama's original vision, and it's basically a big handout to insurance companies.

I was also sad when I heard Obama privately met with insurance companies to promise not to include the public option in it. As if we needed more proof we were becoming a plutocracy.

12 years ago @ Big Government - Gov. Rick Perry's Defe... · 14 replies · -53 points

I've always wondered, who are these bloggers? Are they guest writers or are they employees of this site or what?

I never knew the far right was so colorful.

12 years ago @ Big Government - Obama: More than Twice... · 17 replies · -33 points

Those colors are really pretty, but can we please get some facts on exactly what has gone towards Obamas deficits?

You can deny it all you want but I bet 3 things that will be near the top in terms of cost will begin with the words "Iraq" "Afghanistan" and "Bush era tax cuts"

12 years ago @ Big Government - Hey, Mr. President, 'W... · 17 replies · -24 points

No matter how far right you are, I think you'd have to try pretty hard NOT to find numerous news articles (from the left and right) detailing exactly what Obama has asked for during these discussions.

Off the top of my head Obama was prepared to make major cuts to Medicare and Medicaid in a bill that had a 4 to 1 ratio of cuts to revenue increases, but this was rejected by Boehner.

12 years ago @ Big Government - National Science Found... · 9 replies · -21 points

Wow, completely cut funding to science and research before even touching the military? That would pretty much crash America right into the ground.

Believe it or not America become America because of science and progressive research. The technology behind the industrial revolution or computers or the internet didn't magically come to someone as they were praying.

There are always ways to make these government programs more cost effective but lets slow down and respect what they have done for us and what they could do for us in the future please.

12 years ago @ Big Government - Mr. Speaker, Take the ... · 15 replies · -32 points

Cutting pay, that is a legitimate avenue to follow. Though personally I would rather cut the pay of Mr. CEO making 12 million a year (who may even be in charge of one of the companies responsible for this mess in the first place) instead of Mr. Career Federal Employee with a wife and 3 kids who is already living paycheck to paycheck and has already made numerous sacrifices because o the state of the economy.

12 years ago @ Big Government - The Wu Scandal: Why 'N... · 5 replies · -17 points

I wouldn't worry about the Democrats ability to throw their own under the bus, they didn't waste anytime in doing it to Weiner.

Though we are still waiting on the GOP to do the same for Vitter...