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4 years ago @ http://www.information... - Comment -"Pretty Pleas... · 0 replies · +1 points

The controlling reality of US policy is that it is made in Tel Aviv.

Metaphorically speaking

The Jews have put together a political ecosystem; wherein: we Gentiles are the under class. We, the people are sheep. The Jews are wolves. The Preachers, Priests and the politicians are sheep dogs. We, the sheep are guarded and controlled by the wolves, sheep dogs. Our upper class is the Jews. They are the wolves.

The wolves eat the sheep and they shear them to make their warm clothing. The Pastors and preachers who teach us that the Wolves are chosen by God and that we must love and serve them are the wolves sheep dogs who guard and keep us from harm. Except from themselves, and the Jews.

So what about us, the people who understand that this ecosystem exists and how it works. Hmmm! I would liken us to Coyotes. The Jews call us antisemites. They are on the verge of criminalizing us. We exist on the fringes of society. We have very low social score within the Wolves owned and controlled social media. If we demonstrate any ability to effectively advocate against the Jew power over us; we will be banned from the social media that the wolves control.

Even, some of us are Jews. The Jews call them self hating Jews. But actually, they are the best of the best. They are honorable humanitarians like Gideon Levy and Gilad Atzmon. I would also like to recognize the late, Israel Shahak in that category. You can find him on youtube.


4 years ago @ http://www.information... - Comment - The Israeli ... · 0 replies · +21 points

It makes my stomach queasy to know that by virtue of my status as an American citizen taxpayer; I am complicit in these evil Jew Zionist crimes. I have curses on my lips and weeping in my heart. My head hangs in shame at being a citizen of the USA, a contemptible vassal state of Jew Israel.

4 years ago @ http://www.information... - Comment - Italy Tries ... · 1 reply · +16 points

The Donald is Bibi's Shabbos Goy. The US military is Israel's running dog. America is a contemptible vassal state of Jew Israel. Puke!

4 years ago @ http://www.information... - Comment -  Coward... · 1 reply · +25 points

The raw truth is to lumpy even for truth tellers. The truth is that America is not a sovereign state, America is a contemptible vassal state of jew Israel. I suspect that the EU is also. POTUS highest ambition is to be Netanyahu's Shabbos Goy and be awarded Righteous Gentile of the century for bombing Iran back to the stone ages.

4 years ago @ http://www.information... - Comment - Vice Preside... · 2 replies · +6 points

America does not actually and legitimately support Israel. The Jews have tricked us into supporting them.

Actually, I despair! America is a Christian majority country, and Bret Stephens is absolutely correct. The Jews are an intellectually superior people. Us mere Goyim, are by comparison, utterly stupid.

America does not genuinely and honestly support Israel. America has been hornswoggled by the superior intelligence and guile of the Jewish people to support the Jew state.

When the Jews decided to set up their own country at the turn of the twentieth century, they knew that they would need the support of Christendom. To that end they initiated a psy-op, a psychological operation tasked with rewriting Christian theology.

Up until the turn of the twentieth century Christian theology had held that the coming of Jesus Christ had negated all of God's covenants with the Jews. This was known as, replacement theology. That, in essence, Christians had become God's chosen people.

As a consequence, down through the ages, Christians and Jews had been at odds. Christ killer was a common epithet and there were many pogroms.

Jews would have been aware that there was an obscure Christian theology that held, that God had not revoked his covenants with the Jews. That God's covenants with the Jews remained intact and were still in force.

This obscure theology was being preached by a ne'er do well preacher named Cyrus Scofield. What the Jews did, and surely this was, what is known as, "Jew genius", they financed Cyrus on two trips to Europe.

What the Jews did, was to take this obscure dispensationalist christian theology and write it into the King James version of the bible as study notes. When Scofield returned from Europe, he had the manuscript of the Scofield study bible. It is presumed that Rabbi's and yeshiva students produced it.

It was published, produced and distributed by the very Jewish Oxford University Press, which still holds the patent on it, and periodically updates it to keep up with changing times in the Middle East.

There is an ample historical trail that validates this thesis.

There is also an historical trail that reveals that today's Jews, Ashkenazim Jews, are not descendants of the biblical era Jews, that they are Jewish converts from the land of Khazar.

More, that the circumstances of their conversion to Judaism was a process that selected for intelligence and drive and that is why today's Jews are an intellectually superior, driven and successful, albeit, artificial people.

Artificial, as they are not a people that occurred naturally, over time and in a land of their own.

4 years ago @ http://www.information... - Comment -Rights groups... · 1 reply · +6 points

You Jews can end ant-semitism any time that you would decide to do so. All you have to do is abandon the house of cards that you have built into a world tyranny and join the rest of humanity in the pursuit of life liberty and justice for all.

How? 1. Admit to the rest of the world that you are not divine. You are not chosen by God as or for anything. The simple fact being that there is no omniscient omnipotent God head being, and you Jews damn well know that. Your manipulation of us dumb Goyim into believing said same notwithstanding.

2. End the blockade of Gaza and begin a program of reparations for all of the hardships, killing, bombing, and kneecapping of the freedom fighters there struggling against the tyranny of Zionism.

3. Give Palestine back to it's rightful owners, the Palestinians. And begin a program of reparations for all of the attendant crimes to the horrors of your Zionist enterprise.

4. Shut down AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC, the WZO, the AZO, Canary Mission and all of the hundreds of Zionist Jew institutions that form the backbone of the bamboozlement and oppression of non Jews the world over.

5. Shut down the super efficient lebensborn style baby factories that you have turned orthodox Judaism into. You are using them to produce the Jew functionaries that you will need to have when you are ready get rid of us Goyim and takeover the world. [OK, so this is only half true. But, that is a very significant half truth.] You Jews have put Hitler to shame with the efficiency of your baby factories. New York and New Jersey are busting out with Jew babies everywhere.

Yes; the base point is; inject some truth and reality into your religious zealots.

6. Shut down all of your propaganda organs. Return the mass media to truth tellers.

7. Reveal your lineage to the world. You are not descended from the biblical era Jews. You are Khazar converts. You are a people artificially selected for drive and intelligence. Traits which routinely transmit into material success.

8. Worse: You have been melded by the cynically caustic and hate filled theology of Judaism into the most hated people that has ever been. Denounce Judaism as the fabric of lies and ancient maunderings that it is and embrace the modernity of these modern times.

That oughta be enuf to start a conversation.

4 years ago @ http://www.information... - Comment -Rights groups... · 0 replies · +2 points

The Jews can end ant-semitism any time that they would decide to do so. Al they have to do is abandon the house of cards that they have built into a world tyranny and join the rest of humanity in the pursuit of life liberty and justice for all.

How? 1. Admit to the rest of the world that they are not divine. They are not chosen by God as or for anything. The simple fact being that there is no omniscient omnipotent God head being, and the Jews damn well know that. Their manipulation of us dumb Goyim into believing said same notwithstanding.\

2. End the blockade of Gaza and begin a program of reparations for all of the hardships, killing, bombing, and kneecapping of the freedom fighters there struggling against the tyranny of Zionism.

2. Give Palestine back to it's rightful owners, the Palestinians. And begin a program of reparations for all of the attendant crimes to the horrors of the Zionist enterprise.

3. Shut down AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC, the WZO, the AZO, Canary Mission and all of the hundreds of Zionist Jew institutions that form the backbone of the bamboozlement and oppression of non Jews the world over.

4. Shut down the super efficient lebensborn style baby factories that you have turned orthodox Judaism into. You are using them to produce the Jew functionaries that you will need to have when you are ready get rid of us Goyim and takeover the world. [OK, so this is only half true. But, that is a very significant half truth.] You Jews have put Hitler to shame with the efficiency of your baby factories. New York and New Jersey are busting out with Jew babies everywhere.

Yes; the base point is; inject some truth and reality into your religious zealots.

5. Shut down all of your propaganda organs. Return the mass media to truth tellers.

6. Reveal your lineage to the world. You are not descended from the biblical era Jews. You are Khazar converts. You are a people artificially selected for drive and intelligence. Traits which routinely transmit into material success.

7. Worse: You have been melded by the cynically caustic and hate filled theology of Judaism into the most hate people that that has ever been. Denounce it as the fabric of lies that it is and embrace the modernity of these modern times.

That oughta be enuf to start a conversation.

4 years ago @ http://www.information... - Comment -   ... · 1 reply · +15 points

Deep state is not just or primarily an entrenched bureaucracy. Deep state is the Zionist Matrix of power. Deep state is AIPAC, The Canary Mission and dozens of loosely affiliated Zionist organizations all focused on the Zionist enterprise and eventually world government.

4 years ago @ http://www.information... - Comment -   ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Very efficient, fully vetted, high IQ, and straight from deep state to fourth estate. Now, if we can just get Pence in as the top dog, Iran better start to tremble. Armageddon is a certainty. The elders of Zion are breaking bread and dancing.

4 years ago @ http://www.information... - Comment -   ... · 0 replies · +5 points

Unfortunately, as an american citizen taxpayer I am complicit in much evil doing. I hate and I condemn myself for it. But! God's chosen people have the reins of power in my country, a contemptible vassal state of Jew Israel.