


21 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - My Apology to Leftist ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Sooner or later, the Devil always steps on his own dick. Heh.


14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Why Wasn't I Invited t... · 0 replies · +1 points

Gee, and what I was going for was all inspirational and heroic and butch and stuff. I think you're reading a lot more into it than I intended...


14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Why Wasn't I Invited t... · 0 replies · +1 points

So glad you recognized the theme of my painting. Very astute. I would expect no less from a loyal Obama supporter.


14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Why Wasn't I Invited t... · 0 replies · +1 points

Gee, and what I was going for was all inspirational and heroic and butch and stuff. I think you're reading a lot more into it than I intended...


14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Earn Big $$$ the NEA Way! · 1 reply · +3 points

Don't forget, in order to qualify for grants, you have to be "just plain cool" and have mastered the use of the word "ask" as a noun.


14 years ago @ Big Government - Exposing ACORN: Introd... · 0 replies · +2 points

Man, talk about coming out swinging! Congratulations.

Funny, the MSM has been tossing softballs at these asshats so long that they've become all soft and squishy. Then you guys fire a fastball and it goes SPLAT and makes a big, sticky mess. It's almost too easy. Thanks for showing us how it's done!

Big X.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Debunking the Great De... · 0 replies · +1 points

I live in California. Right. THAT'S gonna happen...

Big X

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Debunking the Great De... · 2 replies · +2 points

Actually, no. It's not free for illegals. The legislation forbids Federal payment of premium subsidies to illegals. In other words, they pay the full premium. Which sounds fine until you factor in the dynamic of "adverse selection."

In other words, say Uncle Zvetco is paying $4,000 a month out of his pocket for prescription drugs, and say the premium for ObamaCare is $200 a month, then Uncle Zvetco is going to sign up for ObamaCare. Cousin Helga, though, is only 22 and healthy as a horse, so she'll skip ObamaCare and spend her $200 a month on manicures, cigarettes and cable TV. That is, until her ass-hat boyfriend, Vlad, knocks her up. Then she'll sign up for ObamaCare to pay for the $15,000 delivery.

This is why pre-existing conditions ar not covered by insurance companies--not to be "meanies," but to protect the interests of their policyholders (the fund) from fraud and abuse. However, to the modern liberal Democrat, protecting honest taxpayers takes a very distant back seat to protecting all those poor uninsured "victims" out there.

Big X

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Debunking the Great De... · 0 replies · +2 points

Wait a second... you're rewriting me???

You've got to pay me at least WGA minimums to do that!

Big X

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - The Consequence of 'Co... · 0 replies · +2 points

The photograph is chilling. Reminds me of February 14, 1929, when seven men were similarly murdered in a Lincoln Park garage, victims of another drug cartel, this one run by Al Capone. Prohibition was repealed in 1933, and cheap, readily available, high quality booze forced crime syndicates into other lines of vice, and the bloodshed stopped.