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15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 0 replies · +2 points

Can you rationally explain to me since 9/11 you must show your birth certificate to get a drivers license, marriage license, get into school or collage ect. Yet all he showed was a paper from the Governor that he was born. The document never said he was born in Hawaii. His father was not a citizen of the United States. You can't even get his transcripts from collage. That is public records. You can get George W. Bushes transcripts. Not the Idiots. Do they say foreign exchange student? There are lots of questions about this. Also if we find out after his turn in office that he is not American then what? Would everything he signed be invalid? Would the Congress also be invalid. Just something to think about.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 0 replies · +1 points

I have to make a commit! If you would have done your homework and checked out the Idiot who is now in the White House you would have seen all this coming. It just amazes me how no one saw this coming. I told everyone who would listen. People just wanted a change well that got it. I didn't agree with all that President Bush did. But this Idiot is out to destroy this country. The problem is he HATES this country and is doing everything in his power to to give it away. We are more unsafe now than ever.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 0 replies · +1 points

You have a right to say what you just wrote. But you were given that right by our founding fathers. The Constitution of the United States was based on the rule of law. At that time it was the Bible and Gods law. I feel we need to stand together no matter what you believe as your faith or non-faith. We need to make the government follow the laws of this country. Not their own view. They were not elected for their views but for the people. The Congress had to go back to each of their own states and talk to the people and find out what they want and then go back and vote on what the people wanted. Now they don't even read bills before they pass them. I feel they should all go and a new election be done. The Idiot in the White house got elected by fraudulent ways. For one Acorn. I will back you as far as your right to believe in what you want. I feel that you need to give the 9/12 a chance. There are lots of great people on this sight. We come from all kinds of back ground and beliefs. You can learn from this sight. I take what is said and then I check things out. I also do lots of reading to find out what this government it up to. I have read the bill that was passed that no person in congress read. They all made a large mistake. Where are the checks and balances?

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - through 5/26 · 0 replies · +1 points

IT is true about the Army. Also no firearms in military housing. They are also letting people out and not trying to keep them in. They have to meet their budget that the Idiot in the White House has set. Do you know if you are in a military based town you can be stopped and your car checked over inside and out just because you have a military ID sticker. It is happening right now. Our military are being treated like they are the bad guys. Not the heroes. It is a sad day when Union workers who do less for their country get payed more. Our military doesn't make minimum wadges. Our son-in-law is in the Army. My husband spent 25 years in the Navy and I know what happens every time the Democrats get into office. The military is the first to get cutback on everything. Our son-in-law was in Iraq twice. I know what we had to send them just to make it safer there. It is not what they should have to do just to get by over there while the people in Washington have all the benefits and don't pay for them. The military pays for there family dental, and medical it is not free. Now they want to tax us for that too.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 4/28/09: Bonehead Move... · 2 replies · +6 points

Lady's and Gentlemen:
If you didn't know this before the Idiot doesn't care about the United States. It is all about him and look at me not what I am doing just look at me. It is not about America or American its about him. He HATES this United States of America. So he doesn't care if he brought back horrifying memory's of 9-11. People are still hurting. This was all about him and how dare the American people criticize him. This Government has done Treasonous acts and no one has stood up to them. The only thing we can do is at the election booth. VOTE THE BUMS OUT. The are out to destroy America. Make us weak and let our enemies hurt us.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 4/29/09: Senator Spect... · 1 reply · +2 points

You are all up set about another Idiot. You knew when he voted for the bill no one read. Was was the out cry at him, and all of the others. Now he is out of the closet. That is a good thing. He is in for a large rude awaking. In 2010 the election the Democrats will drop him because they know he won't win. Thus he will reap what he saws. This is just another Democrat deviousness. Keep the news and people talking about Specter and not looking at what we are really doing.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 4/16/09: Texas Gov Say... · 7 replies · +3 points

you are missing the point. We want the government to do there jobs. It is not un-American to suggest that a state secession is wrong. It is our right. You forget that Texas is a Republic of Texas. WE became a state but never gave up the right to be a free independent republic, if this government turned to Tyranny. This government is telling us how we should spend our money that each state is getting. We have our own electric grid, our own oil, our own food that we grow. We are a state that is self-supporting. Most states are not they depend on the government. As Glenn would say cradle to grave dependent on the government. I am proud to be an American, but I won't let my family be put in under tyranny by anyone. Not the Idiot in the White House or the government. Read about the Alamo. We were out numbered but we were right.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 4/16/09: Texas Gov Say... · 0 replies · +2 points

you are missing the point. We want the government to do there jobs. It is not un-American to suggest that a state secession is wrong. It is our right. You forget that Texas is a Republic of Texas. WE became a state but never gave up the right to be a free independent republic, if this government turned to Tyranny. This government is telling us how we should spend our money that each state is getting. We have our own electric grid, our own oil, our own food that we grow. We are a state that is self-supporting. Most states are not they depend on the government. As Glenn would say cradle to grave dependent on the government. I am proud to be an American, but I won't let my family be put in under tyranny by anyone. Not the Idiot in the White House or the government

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 4/16/09: Texas Gov Say... · 1 reply · +3 points

Geraldo use to work for msnbc. He is a hard core democrat. If you say anything about this government he is on the attack them. He is very left. I feel his show needs to go. He is an idiot. I won't watch him either and there are a large group of us that feel as you do.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 4/16/09: Texas Gov Say... · 3 replies · +4 points

I have read these blogs and you can tell the democrats and republicans. I think you are missing the point of these tea parties. Both parties are guilty. Here in Texas we would say "pull you head out of your ass congress and start working for us or we will replace you. I think all of the congress should be replaced, both parties. Get the ones who will vote with the people not there conscious. These people work for us and believe me they hear us and what the tea parties are saying.