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10 years ago @ Conservative Home - Martin Callanan MEP: A... · 0 replies · +4 points

Well pointed out. Cameron's EU Party is just that: EU through and through.

10 years ago @ Conservative Home - Martin Callanan MEP: A... · 0 replies · +6 points

Piling Ossa upon Pelion.

I am even more convinced that Cameron and his lick-spittles are lying and pretending to be tough over their revered EU - to which they are striving to enslave us. I am even more determined to help UKIP and vote for UKIP. This kind of deceit that insults our intelligence and our knowledge and experience swells the ranks of those many millions who distrust and despise Big Greedy State Cameron and his EU Party.

10 years ago @ Conservative Home - Martin Callanan MEP: A... · 0 replies · +3 points

Telling points - very good.

10 years ago @ Conservative Home - Martin Callanan MEP: A... · 0 replies · +2 points

Fat Cats and troughs.

Mixed metaphor - but allowed I feel when one is fulminating against the vile EU and its Cameroon Quislings.

10 years ago @ Conservative Home - Martin Callanan MEP: A... · 3 replies · +1 points

Hello Sally - I trust you had a merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

10 years ago @ Conservative Home - Martin Callanan MEP: A... · 2 replies · +5 points

To lay down his or her career in the belief that Big Bully State Sociialism is going to fill their trough to overflowing.

10 years ago @ Conservative Home - Martin Callanan MEP: A... · 0 replies · +11 points

Well said Phil.

10 years ago @ Conservative Home - Martin Callanan MEP: A... · 2 replies · +22 points

More of this endless deceit and spin in the Cameron mould; more lies and more of the pretence of being tough over the EU to disguise Cameron's determination that we slide inexorably further into the maw of this sociialist State monster.

It won't be long until the Night of the Long Knives for those self-serving, treacherous politicos who put Lefty/Liberal Cameron and his darling sociialist EU tyranny before any consideration for this country - well before any sense of duty to us taxpayers who supply all the cash to fill the troughs of these greedy, lying State/Political-Class Fat Cats.

10 years ago @ Conservative Home - Henry Smith MP: We're ... · 3 replies · +5 points

There brays a Cameroon brain-washed dobbin.

10 years ago @ Conservative Home - Henry Smith MP: We're ... · 2 replies · 0 points

It is all corruption - stealing huge amounts of money from us and giving us rotten service because in various ways the money goes into the pockets of the thoroughly undeserving and is not not to serve the patients. Theft and fraud on a massive scale.