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10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Obama’s Lies Will Co... · 0 replies · +7 points
10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Obama’s Lies Will Co... · 0 replies · +13 points
It is crucial to say that Obama is actually a "liar". It is not enough to say "he lied". He, himself, must be besmirched with his awful deception.
10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - The War on Rational Co... · 0 replies · +1 points
Country will vote them out instantly if they did what you advocate.
10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Dems: Maybe We Should ... · 0 replies · +2 points
10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - The War on Rational Co... · 5 replies · +9 points
Deep down, they realize that there is not much the GOP can do to stop Obama and the Dems. But why can't the GOP be a lot tougher rhetorically? In other words, if you can't stop Obama, why can't you at least denounce him--and hard? The fact that the GOP has been very gentle with Obama AND has been unable to stop him has been and continues to be infuriating.
For example, why isn't Obama called a liar by John Boehner, and often, and with specificity? Harry Reid said as much about Bush and not only got away with it, but it helped his party a ton. Why can't GOP leaders openly doubt the intentions of Obama. Remember "No Blood for Oil?" That was called doubting the intentions of Bush. Why on earth do we have to assume Obama has good intentions when all evidence is to the contrary?
I think it would go a long way to preventing the grim outcome Tobin predicts if GOP/Conservative leaders (in political offices as well as intellectuals and writers) would be far more blunt in saying, with facts to back it up, that Barack Obama is a liar and that his administration is corrupt--not just "cynical".
10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Obama Throws Intel Com... · 1 reply · +8 points
10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Nothing Legitimate Abo... · 0 replies · +9 points
Explain please how the GOP is so pro-Israel, despite Jews being, as you state, "a predictable bloc vote for the Democrats"? The GOP, as sad as they are these days, surely count as part of the policy makers in this country, yet they receive virtually none of the "money", "influence" or "organization" that the Jews bestow on the Democrats as a "bloc".
10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Cruz's Critics Aren't ... · 0 replies · 0 points
10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Cruz's Critics Aren't ... · 0 replies · -3 points
10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Cruz's Critics Aren't ... · 0 replies · +3 points