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8 years ago @ The Toast - The State Monday: Burn... · 0 replies · +8 points

I desperately searched for where to find Burning Love online, including torrenting bits and pieces from the E! broadcasts. Turns out, it's all on DVD. I felt like a doof, let me tell you.

When I am irrationally angry about anything I recite Agnes' speech about the peppermints, which are good for the DIGESTION, they are good for the MENTAL ACUITY.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Sad Queer Classics, Fixed · 1 reply · +90 points

"Your shirt!" Tara exclaimed, "Oh, you spilled some ice cream on it. You should change out of it and we'll go back to bed."

- Seeing Red, Buffy: the Vampire Slayer

(I know it's not a novel but I wanted this :( )

9 years ago @ The Toast - How To Accept Complime... · 0 replies · +6 points

I honestly envisioned a dragon who breathed fire on an object and it transformed into something else due to the flames. Something other than ash.

9 years ago @ The Toast - How To Accept Complime... · 3 replies · +23 points

Aww man, I read "alchemy dungeon" as "alchemy dragon" at first, now I'm disappointed too.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Every Argument About "... · 0 replies · +15 points

YES. Faith is not my most favorite character, but it was annoying how her misdeeds couldn't be forgiven when others were just a-okay with the Scoobies (Exhibit A: Anya).

9 years ago @ The Toast - Every Argument About "... · 1 reply · +12 points

Ted is my actual favorite episode! Womp womp.

I like John Ritter, I liked the cheesey plot, I liked the issue of Buffy grappling with potentially killing a human in error. <shrug>

9 years ago @ The Toast - Every Argument About "... · 0 replies · +6 points

Shh shh it's okay, we're here for you.

I do love Dollhouse. I actually have a lot of friends who watched Firefly and then Dollhouse because it came out after the awareness of Firefly spread, but they've never watched Buffy or Angel.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Every Argument About "... · 1 reply · +58 points

Remember when Giles and Ethan Rayne did mystical drugs together as youths that probably led to mystical-drug-orgies and then Ethan Rayne was sexy in general and he and Giles would glower at each other and be sexy and drink and basically be the middle-aged male British equivalent of Faith and Buffy?


9 years ago @ The Toast - Every Argument About "... · 3 replies · +38 points

Wait, real quick guys, can we all just talk about everything Danny Strong has done since Buffy because OMG.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Every Argument About "... · 0 replies · +24 points

Bonus muddying of the water when Fred's soul was destroyed in Angel and it essentially meant her personality didn't get to go to Buffy heaven like all the other good personalities and Illyria just completely replaces her in her body. And Drusilla is nuts as a Vampire and nuts as a human, so her mental illness carried over.

So I guess the standard would be that ... when a demon takes over your body, some of them have very forceful personalities (Angelus, Illyria) and some of them just make you do the evil things you resist when you're a human (Spike, Drusilla)? But that still is very inconsistent.

ETA: And then Anya was was "transformed" into an immortal demon and it changed nothing about her, not her sense of morality, not her code of ethics, NOTHING was mitigated by becoming a demon.