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12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

Hiring illegal immigrants today is a huge issue and many people are not in favor of it. Illegal immigrants might be hard workers, but I dont think its right for illegal immigrants to take Americans jobs. A big reason why our economy is the way it is, is because of these illegal immigrants. There are many Americans out there that have families to support and need a job, but cant get one because corporations are hiring illegal immigrants. The big corporations are hiring these illegal immigrants because its cheap labor and the CEOs can make more money and get richer. I think Americans have a right to get the job first before an illegal immigrant. If an illegal immigrant wants to work in the United States then they need to become legal first. I can see why the corporations want to hire illegal immigrants because it is cheaper labor and these corporations can produce more, and gain more revenue. Its not fair for the lower and middle class people because they are losing their jobs and cant find work. It all comes down to, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Sam was saying that Americans are lazy, but I dont totally believe that. The people that are lazy are the ones on well fare. Those people rely on their well fare checks every month and dont want to go out and find work. I see it all the time, especially where I am from. Reading, PA is now considered the poorest city in the country which is not surprising at all because most of the people that live in reading are lazy and dont care. Most people that live in reading are poor and dont show any effort to work, they sit out on their lawns everyday and not work. Reading is a city dominated by Hispanic people and I believe that is why the city is so poor. I used to work construction, and I will never forget the time I did a job in Reading and every day I was there I saw Hispanic people sitting out on their lawns and porches chatting all day and not working. Most people that live in Reading are receiving some kind of government assistance which is absurd. I blame the government for this because they still continue to give people government assistance that does not deserve it. I really hope someday that the government does something to stop people from cheating the system, like illegal immigrants and help out hard working lower and middle class American citizens.

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

First off girls aren't forced to wear short skirts and heels it's that persons preference what to wear. There is no set rule saying that girls have to wear short skirts and heels, I think it's more of a fitting in thing, I think girls think that they have to wear it just because everyone else does. As a guy I am going to wear whatever is comfortable, I am not going to wear something that is uncomfortable just to try to impress somebody. I don't even know why girls wear those things because they get offended if a guy looks at them the wrong way, what do they expect if they barley have any clothes on. It's just natural for a guy to look. I think the big reason for a girl to dress like that is because they are competing with other girls. Me personally I like a girl that is herself and is not trying to be like someone else. Girls do not need to go out with uncomfortable attire because they think it makes them look good. The short skirts do look good on women but that doesn’t mean a girl has to wear them; I think it gets old after a while though because every girl wears them. When Professor Richards was talking about how the world in centered around men I was a little angry at that because, the women agreed with that but yet they don’t do anything to try to change that. I really think women do not care about that the world is centered around men because women still continue to do what they do, and wearing short skirts is proof of that. Women could easily stop wearing them, but yet they are not because they are trying to impress everybody. I really think the world is the way it is, is because women are doing it to themselves and I don’t really think it is going to change. I know fashion is a big thing for women and I think women are always trying to keep up with it. There are always new fashions and women are trying to be like the supermodels in the magazines and on T.V. Like I’ve said before, women should just be themselves and not wear something that is uncomfortable so they can try to impress guys. It all basically comes down to, girls want to try to fit in with each other by wearing the same outfits.

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

This topic is definitely an interesting topic because it is very true that women get out of everything and some races get out of things easier than others. I always hear from girls that they get out of speeding tickets or traffic violations and that is because girls cry their way out of it, I thought I would throw that in there because it’s very true. Girls are seen as the emotional type and when a male sees a woman in distress they typically want to help out. That is just human nature. The video that we watched was pretty amazing how people react to the person stealing the bike. I kind of expected the guys to help out with the woman because she was good looking and the guys saw her struggling. Now when the black guy was stealing the bike everyone was on him and calling the police. I also expected this to because most people associate black people with crime. I don’t know why people do that but they do. A lot of it is, is because you see it on T.V all the time. Kids grow up watch T.V and they see black men getting arrested and then they generalize black people with crime. But I thought it was interesting on how many people were on the black guy’s case. Now when the white guy was trying to steal that bike the people around him kind of let it go. There were only a few people that stopped him from doing it but it wasn’t like when the black guy was doing it. I think a lot of it is how a person dresses to. If someone dresses nice and wears their clothes like it’s supposed to be worn people look at that as acceptable and leave you alone. But when someone dresses like a slob and with his pants hanging down to their ankles, people are going to look at that and think that person is a slob and could possibly associate you as a criminal. I really think you get stereotyped on how you present yourself. If you are well dressed in public, and not have “gangsta” wear on, people will be more respectful of you. Like all the people you see in jail, they all look like a bunch of slobs and couldn’t take care of themselves. Like I said before women can get out of things a lot easier, all they have to do is put the sad face on and someone will pity them. I’m pretty sure if a guy puts a sad face on it doesn’t help, it makes you look more like an idiot. I guess it’s something that we except in this society and I really don’t see it changing. So girls keep putting that pitty face on cause it works and I guess guys we are screwed!

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Everyone Respond to Th... · 0 replies · +1 points

The videos that I watched were pretty extraordinary. The entrepreneurs are very talented and creative. They are only using the bare minimum to make these amazing things. Haiti people are very motivated and determined to make things and make a better living for themselves. I think American people should be more like Haiti people because America would be such a better place. American people are lazy and want everything handed to them and Haiti people are hard workers that work just to feed their families. If these people had more money for their businesses they would be making a lot more money because they could afford the tools necessary to make the products. They would also be able to produce more product. These people have people helping them so they need to get paid to because they have families, so if there was more product being made and sold then they could pay their employers more money and have more money for themselves. Also with more money they could possibly afford a bigger place for their business. Some of those shops were really tiny and it is amazing how they can function in a small area like that. I think the group project that we are doing is a really good idea because then we are able to put together some ideas to make the entrepreneurs lives easier. It wills also feel good to actually help out somebody in need. I am looking forward to see what kind of ideas my group comes up with to help these people. I am hoping my group can come up with something good to make a person’s life better. Haiti people don’t have the resources down there like we do to make a successful business. That is why I am hoping my group can come up with something to get them going on their businesses and become more productive. I am looking forward to talking to these people and get a prospective of how they function day to day on very little food and money. It is also pretty amazing how these people got back on their feet after the terrible earthquake they had. These people are definitely amazing people and I can’t wait to get to talk to one of them. This project is going to be fun and hopefully I can help make a difference in someone’s life and hopefully that person will benefit greatly from our help.

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

SAT scores are probably the most useless test because it is a test to see whether or not you are getting into a school which is stupid. SAT's don't judge how smart someone is, it basically comes down to if you are a good test taker or not. There are a lot of smart people out there that are not good at taking tests. Prof Richards was saying yesterday in class how SAT scores are higher among students with a wealthy family, which I believe is very true. Students that are fortunate to have wealthy parents are going to get the extra attention in school. Their parents are able to afford the best tutors, go to the best schools, and get the best resources. The students that are less fortunate do not get the same attention; their parents are working just to make ends meet. They don't have money for tutors or for private schools. The students in that situation are more worried about if they are going to have a home and are not concentrated on their school work. I think colleges need to stop looking at SAT scores for enrollment. They should start looking more at the students’ abilities, like the military does. The military uses a test called the ASVAB test which determines a person’s strengths and weaknesses. I think colleges should use this type of test because then a college can put a student in a major that they are strong at. Not everyone is a good test taker and it’s not fair to judge a student on that, because there are students that have low SAT scores and still do very well in college. It basically comes down to a person’s motivation and drive to want to do good in school. You get students with high SAT scores and when they get to college they start to slip on the grades because they get into the party scene. I can attest to the ASVAB test to, because I took one to get into the military and the Army put me into a job that they thought I would do very well in and I do. When I went for my training I scored a perfect on every test that I was given and that’s because it is something that I am good at. My SAT score was never outstanding. An SAT test doesn’t show a person’s strength. But never the less a person in a wealthy family is going to get more attention; it pretty much comes down to money. Colleges only care about money and a person with lots of money is going to be able to get into a college they want. Like I said before colleges need to start testing on abilities and not on questions that “everyone is supposed to know.”

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From the Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

Evolution is a very sensitive subject for most people because they get offended when we say that we came from monkeys but I believe that we did come from monkeys and everyone conformed from them over a million years ago and adapted to a wide variety of climates. It's hard to say how we actually came about this earth but it is basically what you believe in. I think evolution is the most logical reason we became who we are today. I think people with their own attributes are definitely an advantage. The reason everyone is different is because where ever our ancestors originated from is where they adapted to that type of climate. Like black and brown people were originally from hotter and sunnier climates like around the equator. The dark skin helps with the sun light and not getting burnt. Whiter people grew up in cooler less sunny places. That is why whiter people get burnt so easy but can retain heat better and keep warmer. Conforming from a monkey is probably the most logical sense of where we came from because monkeys are a very smart animal and they can do a lot of things humans can. They have ten fingers and toes just like a human. Didn't you ever go to a zoo and watch the monkeys interact with the other monkeys, and watch how they behave and what they do. I know when I watch a monkey I am pretty astonished how they act like humans. Now there are those people that think we started from an atom, but that atom as to form something, right? That's why I believe we came from monkeys, millions of years ago there was the ice age so in order for mammals to stay warm was by fur, so that’s why monkeys have fur. If they didn't have that fur they would have never survived and we wouldn't be here today. Over time the earth started to warm up and the monkeys started to conform to the climate which eventually started to create humans. Then over many years humans started to explore the earth and move to different climates and then eventually adapt to that specific climate. This then created different color people and different races. Will we ever actually figure out how we came about, probably not and that’s why there are these different theories out there, and evolution is the one I believe the most. Evolution makes the most logical sense to me.

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From the Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

Stereotyping is a big issue in our culture and I believe that it can't be fixed because it is a way for us to categorize different races in the world. Most people were brought up that way. If someone sees a person walking down the street that looks Asian they are going to say they are Asian even though that person may be mixed with another race. It's a fact of life were not going to say, oh that persons Asian and black, were just going to say there Asian. There are those people that think that might be racist but the truth is we've been doing this for 100's of years and it's not going to change. The way you stereotype starts when you are born, it’s the way you are taught growing up. It is hard to change something when you have been doing something all your life. It's also not just in your family you see it all over the media. We see stereotyping on TV, movies, sports, the internet, books, and magazines. Stereotyping is used all the time and we don't realize it all the time because our culture is so used to it. Some examples of that are, people say basketball is a "Blackman" sport, which we all know that is not true because anyone can play basketball. Another stereotype is that car racing is a "Whiteman’s" sport or redneck sport which is also not true because racing is done all over the world. We see all the time in the news that a man was held back in security at an airport because he was Muslim, or people always think cops are against black people because they arrest them all the time. Stereotyping also happens a lot in schools and examples of that are people always say Asians and Indians are smart at math. These stereotypes happen all the time and we just have to accept that because that is the way it is. Am I saying it is right, no but its the way of life in our culture. I think stereotyping is a small issue in this culture right now because we more important things to worry about in this country than what race a person is. People really need to grow up and except who they are and not get all pissed off because someone is stereotyping you. Like I said before stereotyping has been around for a very long time and I don't think it is going to change anytime soon so everyone just needs to deal with it and grow up. There is no possible way for someone to be able to know what someone’s actual race is without asking, that is why we have the general race categories to put people into. People in our culture are very ignorant and don't want to change so the stereotyping issue is not going away and that's a fact.