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9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Another Trini discover... · 0 replies · 0 points

wait wait wait nah, Rowley is a paid up agent of ISIS??? I thought alyuh said it was "Al Queda in Manning govt"??

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Another Trini discover... · 0 replies · +1 points

Bakh and his ppl's "insurrection" was encouraged & paid for by the UNC party via Ramesh & Panday when Bakh's men stormed Parliament they shouted "we have orders to release Mr Panday"! The only MP shot was a PNM MP and Mr Robinson was humiliated Ramesh flew out to Grenada the day before! only foolish black still think that Bakh was "fightin for de poor man" talk fed to them by the weeklies which is under the control of the UNC, I remember Guyanese Indos in Toronto jumping up for joy when they heard about the "coup" in the Canadian media "alyuh cyar mess with wee Indians we go #$$% alyuh up"! they was celebrating in the hallways of the building I lived in, that time many Indos was claiming to be "refugees" so many fools actually believed that Bakh was an Indian Muslim man when I told then that he was black & an ex-Policeman they did'nt believe a word I said (just like a retired Policeman from T&T that REFUSED TO believe me when I told him Bakh was arrested for drug offences in the 70's! that's his connection to RLM) this "Policeman" still thinks Bakh "stops drugs from entering Trinidad" BS he saw it "in de Papers" when I explained to him is all LIES he went into total Denial I asked him where is the "proof" ?? he couldn't answer ppl in Trinidad real dotish indeed.

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Another Trini discover... · 2 replies · +1 points

There is NO Proof that "Syrians" are "drug lords" or "gun runners" as gullible Afros have been misled by the weeklies into believing, most "Syrians" are very sharp & astute businessmen/women in fact the world's richest man is a Christian Lebanese Carlos Slim most "Syrians" in T&T are in fact Lebanese Maronite Christians etc, I have never heard of a "Syrian" being stopped in T&T in a road block & Police find kilos of coke in their cars or pick up truck etc nor are there "Syrians" being extradited from T&T jails by the DEA/FBI we all know what part of Trinidad they come from and it aint Lavantille or Westmoorings! by the way in all my dealings with local Lebanese trinis I have NEVER heard them refer to Afros as Baboons as an Indo Muslim leader called Mr Manning (with deafening silence from Bakh's ppl & the parties he supported) and I dear say Baboon is still a notch above from the usual Nword slur they have for us!

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Ravi taking protest ac... · 0 replies · +3 points

He is another well Paid Fool, when this all done & forgotten it will be plenty "eat ah food" for these clowns play alyuhself for now.

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Jamaican wins Miss Div... · 0 replies · +1 points

If "Miss Creole T&T" was open to ALL Afro/creole girls from all over the W.I you'd hear noise and more noise from Shat & his sidekick Deviant, I hear Indians from Guyana Surinam etc talk as if Trinidad is "theirs" for the taking I constantly see & hear them in N.A talking like this "I does am go to Trinidad all dee time". as Cro Cro say "alyuh look fuh dat"!

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Suruj: Govt not behind... · 0 replies · +2 points

They NEVER miss an opportunity to scam some $$$ & score a few cheap points! This is what stupid black ppl voted for shameless liars.

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Rowley has no plan to ... · 0 replies · +2 points

If this is true then I believe the PNM has fallen into the UNC/PPP trap, my Political "spidey sense" has me thinking if T&T had two smelters the demand for Bauxite from Guyana and Jamaica would boost their economy as well as ours but in Guyana the Indian run govt is adamant that ONLY Sugar & Agriculture etc should be targeted for maximum political support since mining for gold & Bauxite is seen as a Black dominated industry while sugar gets all the support from the state treasury my best guess is that the PPP govt in Guyana wants the traditionally black industries to Fail in order that Afro Guyanese keep leaving the country and making Indians the Only race in 10-30 yrs down the rd.

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - ‘3 months’... · 0 replies · +2 points

I'm guessing our elections is in 3-4 months time? enough time for Guyanese to get their I.D cards to vote UNC...

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - ‘Trinidad not mu... · 0 replies · +2 points

Another Guyanese blogger talking chit....

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - ‘Trinidad not mu... · 0 replies · 0 points

Most Guyanese Indos are first class Liars! they are being brought into the country to VOTE the UNC into office FOREVER, (Hence P.R system) one Guyanese guy told me about the large amount of Indo Trinis in Guyana getting para military/subversion training etc, I suspect that their communist govt is actively printing T&T I.D cards and Drivers licenses for them to hide, many are keen liars and learn fast that many Afro Trinis cannot tell them apart from Indo trinis, but it doesn't last long when ppl wise up to their BS I had a Guyanese Indian guy in Canada telling me that "I from Trinidad" BS talk I called him a damn liar he started cussin they all cuss when you call them out on their LIES "Manning and Bakh rig dah electshun" "meh whole family in Trinidad now", nonsense and what really galls me is that Gullible black ppl will believe ANY talk from these nasty minded ppl I have had ppl from Jamaica tell me that Trinis should "stop raping" Indian women! a lie that even Guyanese Indos tell up and down the Islands and NYC etc. Back in the 80's the Mirror papers brought a Guyanese man from their PPP party to write "news" but it turns out he was trained in the USSR in Propaganda subversion and most of his "stories" about "Syrian drug lords" was just LIES designed to turn Afro Trinis against the Lebanese business community which seems to have worked very well with most Afro Trinis blinded by the weeklies run by Indians, This dude that wrote these "articles" now lives in Posh Maracas in a mansion paid for by the UNC when Panday was in office his daughter was killed by an illegal Guyanese "yard boy" some yrs ago the "yard boy" stabbed her to death when she refused his "advances" he has yet to be RETURNED to Trinidad for trial which I find very very strange indeed why is it a "Lawyer" does not want his daughter's killer to face justice in T&T? unless of course he was more than a "yard boy" me thinks he was a Bodyguard and Gunman I suspect these are the ppl storming into Bars and shooting up the place or doing the UNC political gimmicks like "kidnapping" ppl and then tying them up in a black area to make it like the locals did it. (just who kidnapped Kamla's car?)