Anthony Kennerson

Anthony Kennerson


133 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Red Garter Club Blog (... - A Study In AntiPorn/An... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks back at \'cha, Greta....and I have corrected the record.


12 years ago @ Red Garter Club Blog (... - Why Downgrading Sex-Po... · 0 replies · +1 points

Arjuna...I do appreciate your comment, and I get what you are saying about how sex-positive activism by itself doesn't necessarily allow for the full spectrum of experiences or needs of sex workers per se. My point, however, was that in her tone and the provocative use of the title she used, Audacia seemed to imply that sex positivity in and of itself was the source for problems of adequate sex worker activism. Also, she seemed to parrot the very strawpeople ("elitist White privileged women more concerned about orgasms than about real people") that is used frequently by antiporn/abolitionist/prohibitionist feminist activists to silence and smear sex positive feminists and sex worker rights activists who endorse some or all aspects of sex positive activism. That was the main concern of mine, and what prompted this essay.

When I get the chance, and when I get some more feedback, I will post a followup essay that will extend on what I have said here.

12 years ago @ Inventing The American... - Debtpocalypse, The Ser... · 0 replies · +1 points


12 years ago @ Red Garter Club Blog M... - A "Stench" o... · 0 replies · +1 points

CT...I've used WordPress as my blog platform for the past 5 years, and I've had no problems whatsoever.So, I'm probably not the one to ask for alternatives.

But, you could try TypePad or Blogger..or, if you are looking for a fuller-scale alternative, Joomla.


12 years ago @ Red Garter Club Blog (... - Monica Foster Suppleme... · 0 replies · +1 points

Uhhh, Rodger....if you would take off your blinders for a second, you\'d realize that the only \"gangstalking\" I\'ve ever done has been to publically comment on the failures of Shelley\'s and Monica\'s actions and policies. I don\'t have either the time nor the ability to \"stalk\" anyone, since I\'d rather put my time to better use.

And as for \"humiliating women\"?? Really?? Like, I was the one who forced Shelley to act the fool at that Porn Star Kareoke fundraiser and get her tit signed by Ron Jeremy?? As if I\'m the one force feeding Monica her Nosterdumbass conspiracy theories??

Really...if this is the best you can offer, then you really need to get a life.

And with that, you are blocked henceforth. Move along, please.

12 years ago @ Red Garter Club Blog (... - Monica Foster Suppleme... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah, right, meow....funny how your post got through, though.'s "censorship".


12 years ago @ Red Garter Club Blog (... - And On The Other Side ... · 0 replies · +1 points

A transcript of this here post is now available over at the Adult Wiki Forum (aka The REAL Pornwilileaks):


12 years ago @ Red Garter Club Blog (... - Why Shelley Lubben's L... · 0 replies · +1 points


Thank you for finding that information for me, and I will be issuing an update to my post reflecting that information.

It should be noted, though, that nothing in the Amis Guardian article refutes or challenges the text of the Regan Starr interview she did for Excelsior with Roger T. Pipe, in which she specifically targets Anabolic Productions for their harsh and violent treatment of women in their films, not the entire industry as a whole. It should also be noticed that Amis, like most other antiporn activist writers, totally misinterprets the definition of "gonzo" to promote the same tunnel-blind definition of "porn" that Gail Dines and Shelley Lubben use to broadbrush the entire industry for the acts of a few.

Also...if an online reprint of the article was freely available via The Guardian website, then why didn't Lubben use that rather than a broken, nonexistent link using the Concerned Women of America site?? Fear of being linked with a putative left-of-center website alienating her fundamentalist Christian target audience?? Or, merely the usual slipshod sourcing??


12 years ago @ The Lady Chatterley Bo... - An Open Letter To Moni... · 0 replies · +1 points

Darrah was always making some claims of being harassed by whomever was on her (s)hit list at the moment. Mostly, like Monica, she was playing the Donny Long Network for her own purposes, while masquerading as a "publicist" and press agent.

There is some rumor that she was under investigation by the FBI in regards to the original PWL's theft of medical records from AIM, and that's why she went AWOL...but that's only rumor.

Funny thing is, Monica once claimed that "Darrah" was in fact a male porn performer whom she had teamed up with earlier in her career, who then adopted the "offspring of Luke Ford" persona in order to get back at the industry. But, I guess, we'll never know the truth about "her".


13 years ago @ The Lady Chatterley Bo... - The Saga Of #FauxHo Co... · 0 replies · +1 points

@ShazamSF: Clarification duly noted. Though...I still wonder whether or not "Matt" was in fact PatBo playing his scam further so that he could hook up with your friend as he did with the other "M".

Such a tangled web...and pretty sticky, too...if you catch me drift.
